
Collaborative Project PhosWaM (Phosphorus from the Source to the Sea) - Integrated management of Phosphorus and water resources for sustainable protection of water bodies

Project duration: 01.03.2016 - 28.02.2019

Project funding:

BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Researcher:  Dr. Uwe Buczko, Tanja Brandt

Associated Organisations

Phosphorus (P) is an essential, growth-limiting plant nutrient element. Whereas P fertilizer reserves are becoming scarce, P concentrations in water bodies often are excessive, leading to eutrophication.

In this project, the knowledge base about sources, transport paths, transformation processes and fractions of P is augmented by means of process and model studies. Further, measures for P reduction are investigated.

The objective is to revise management plans and monitoring concepts which are necessary to achieve the water quality goals specified in the water framework directive, marine strategy directive and Baltic Sea action plan.

The focus of the study is on the catchment of the Warnow river – as a representative case study for the agricultural dominated Northern German lowelands -, the brackish lower Warnow, and the directly adjacent Baltic Sea. The entire flow path from the Warnow source to the Baltic Sea is studied in an integrative manner, since managment decisions in the whole catchment area have repercussions on P input to the Sea.