Dr. agr. Vytas Huth

(Researcher, PostDoc)


Since January 2017, Vytas is again member at the department of Landscape Ecology at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He worked as a researcher on the project “OptiMoor” (FKZ 3516892003). The project goal is the development of a restoration guideline for peat bogs that have been under intensive grassland use. Within a 1 ha field trial, seven variants of rewetting and restoration combinations (rewetting, ground preparation, Sphagnum spreading) will be jointly managed, monitored, and tested together with the Europäisches Fachzentrum für Moor und Klima (EFMK GmbH). Vytas is responsible for supervising the scientific part of the project, which will include vegetation development, nutrient dynamics, changes in topography and hydrology, as well as greenhouse gas balances.


  • University of Rostock
  • Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation
  • Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
  • 18059 Rostock
  • Arbeitsgebäude/ Room 14
  • +49 381 498 3232 (tel)
  • +49 381 498 3222 (fax)
  • vytas.huth(at)uni-rostock.de


Curriculum vitae

Since 01-2017: Researcher, PostDoc, Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock.

BfN-/NBank-project: “Field trial and development for optimizing the restoration of peat bogs under formerly intensive grassland use to increase biodiversity and carbon sequestration – OptiMoor” (FKZ 3516892003)

Research topic: Quantifying the effect of water level, top soil removal, and Sphagnum spreading on biodiversity, nutrient dynamics and greenhouse gas balances of peat bogs under formerly intensive grassland use.

10-2016: Doctoral thesis and defense speech, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock

Theme: Tackling uncertainties of GHG emissions from managed temperate peatlands

11-2013 – 12-2016: Researcher, Institut of Landscape Biogeochemistry, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e. V., Müncheberg, Germany

FNR-project: “Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of rapeseed cropping with special focus on nitrogen fertilisation” (FKZ 22403312), working package 6: “The effect of rapeseed crop rotations on the carbon balance: Quantifying net greenhouse gas balances and the short-term dynamics of soil organic carbon”

Research topics: Methodical comparisons and improvements (eddy covariance and chamber measurements) to detect short-term dynamics of soil organic carbon and quantification of the effect of different fertilisation and soil tillage variants on the soil carbon balance of rapeseed cropping

10-2010 – 09-2013: Researcher, Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock

BMBF-Project: VIP – Vorpommern Initiative for Paludiculture (FKZ 033L030). Interdisciplinary joint research project focusing on agricultural use of rewetted peatlands; Part 4.1: “Greenhouse gas emissions”.

Research topic: Quantifying the effect of extensive land use on greenhouse gas emissions from three different vegetation types of a rewetted peatland in north-east Germany

Homepage Vorpommern Initiative Paludiculture (VIP)

10-2009 – 09/2010: Master thesis at the department of Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock

Theme: Winter nitrous oxide release from a percolation mire in western Mecklenburg

10-2008 – 09-2010: Master of Science in Agroecology “Ecology and management of agrarian systems”, University of Rostock

03-2008 – 08-2008: Bachelor thesis at the department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock

Theme: Colour measurements and remote sensing to estimate organic carbon content and distribution in arable soils

10-2005 – 09-2008: Bachelor of Science in Agroecology, University of Rostock



Huth, V., Günther, A., Bartel, A., Hofer, B., Jacobs, O., Jantz, N., Meister, M., Rosinski, E., Urich, T., Weil, M., Zak, D., Jurasinski, G. (2020) Topsoil removal reduced in-situ methane emissions in a temperate rewetted bog grassland by a hundredfold. Science of The Total Environment 721. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137763

Günther, A., Barthelmes, A., Huth, V., Joosten, H., Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., Couwenberg, J. (2020)Prompt rewetting of drained peatlands reduces climate warming despite methane emissions. Nature Communications 11:1644.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15499-z

Hoffmann, M., Huth, V., Augustin, J. (2019) Comment on “Upland grasslands in Northern England were atmospheric carbon sinks regardless of management regime” by Eze et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.07.025

Lucas-Moffat, A. M., Huth, V., Augustin, J., Brümmer, C., Herbst, M., Kutsch, W. L. (2018) Towards pairing plot and field scale measurements in managed ecosystems: Using eddy covariance to cross-validate CO2 fluxes modeled from manual chamber campaigns. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 256-257, 362-278.

Huth, V., Hoffmann, M., Bereswill, S., Popova, Y., Zak, D., Augustin, J. (2018) The climate warming effect of a fen peat meadow with fluctuating water table is reduced by young alder trees. Mires and Peat, 21, Article 04, 1-18. http://mires-and-peat.net/pages/volumes/map21/map2104.php.

Hoffmann, M., Pehle, N., Huth, V., Jurisch, N., Sommer, M., Augustin, J. (2018) A simple method to assess the impact of sealing, headspace mixing and pressure vent on airtightness of manually closed chambers. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181, 36-40. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jpln.201600299.

Huth, V., Vaidya, S., Hoffmann, M., Jurisch, N., Günther, A., Gundlach, L., Hagemann, U., Elsgaard, L., Augustin, J. (2017) Divergent NEE balances from manual-chamber CO2 fluxes linked to different measurement and gap-filling strategies: A source for uncertainty of estimated terrestrial C sources and sinks? Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 180, 302-315. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jpln.201600493.

Hoffmann, M., Jurisch, N., Garcia Alba, J., Albiac Borraz, E., Schmidt, M., Huth, V., Rogasik, H., Rieckh, H., Verch, G., Sommer, M., Augustin, J. (2017) Detecting small-scale spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks: a comparison between automatic chamber-derived C budgets and repeated soil inventories. Biogeosciences, 14, 1003-1019. http://www.biogeosciences.net/14/1003/2017/bg-14-1003-2017.pdf.

Hoffmann, M., Jurisch, N., Garcia Alba, J., Albiac Borraz, E., Schmidt, M., Huth, V., Rogasik, H., Rieckh, H., Verch, G., Sommer, M., Augustin, J. (2016) Detecting small-scale spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks: a comparison between automatic chamber-derived C budgets and repeated soil inventories. Biogeosciences Discussions, http://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/bg-2016-332/bg-2016-332.pdf.

Günther, A., Huth, V., Jurasinski, G. & Glatzel, S. (2015) The effect of biomass harvesting on greenhouse gas emissions from a rewetted temperate fen. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 7, 1092-1106. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcbb.12214/full.

Günther, A., Jurasinski, G., Huth, V. & Glatzel, S. (2014) Opaque closed chambers underestimate methane fluxes of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186, 2151-2158. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10661-013-3524-5 

Günther, A., Huth, V., Jurasinski, G. & Glatzel (2014) Scale-dependent temporal variation in determining the methane balance of a temperate fen. Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management, 4, 41-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20430779.2013.850395

Huth, V., Günther, A., Jurasinski, G. & Glatzel, S. (2013) The effect of an exceptionally wet summer on methane effluxes from a 15-year re-wetted fen in north-east Germany. Mires and Peat, 13, Article 02, 1-7. http://mires-and-peat.net/pages/volumes/map13/map1302.php

Huth, V., Jurasinski, G. & Glatzel, S. (2012) Winter emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from a minerotrophic fen under nature conservation management in north-east Germany. Mires and Peat, 10, Article 04, 1-13. http://mires-and-peat.net/pages/volumes/map10/map1004.php

Book chapters

Jurasinski, G., Günther, A., Huth, V., Couwenberg, J. & Glatzel, S. (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions. In: Wichtmann, W., Schröder, C. & Joosten, H. (eds.) Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany, Chapter 5.1, pp. 79-93.

Others (since 2014)

Jurasinski, G., Huth, V., Hofmann, M., Günther, A., Augustin, J. (2018) Stronger increase of CH4 efflux on drained compared with rewetted sites on organic soils after severe prolonged precipitation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April.

Hoffmann, M., Huth, V., Stróżecki, M., Jurisch, N., Juszczak, R., Augustin, J., (2018) Diurnal patterns, seasonality and ebullition: A comparison of gap-filling strategies for closed-chamber CH4 measurements to derive a “best-practice” approach and give implications for future study designs. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April.

Hoffmann, M., Jurisch, N., Garcia Alba, J., Albiac Borraz, E., Schmidt, M., Huth, V., Rogasik, H., Rieckh, H., Verch, G., Sommer, M., Augustin, J. (2017) Detecting small-scale spatial differences and temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks: a comparison between automatic chamber-derived C budgets and repeated soil inventories. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April.

Huth, V., Moffat, A. M., Calmet, A., Andres, M., Laufer, J., Pehle, N., Rach, B., Gundlach, L., Augustin, J. (2017) Detecting management and fertilization effects on the carbon balance of winter oilseed rape with manual closed chamber measurements: Can we outrange gap-filling uncertainty and spatiotemporal variability? European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April.

Bereswill, S., Hoffmann, M., Huth, V., Popova, Y., Zak, D., Augustin, J. (2017) A black alder plantation improves the greenhouse gas balance of a degraded moist peat grassland. . European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April.

Moffat, A. M., Huth, V., Augustin, J., Brümmer, C., Herbst, M., Kutsch, W. (2016) Combined chamber-tower approach: Using eddy covariance measurements to cross-validate carbon fluxes modeled from manual chamber campaigns. American Geosciences Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December.

Günther, A., Huth, V., Hoffmann, M., Jurasinski, G., Albrecht, K., Augustin, J., Glatzel, S. (2016) Paludiculture as a chance for peatlands and climate: case studies from three sites in northern Germany. 5th International EcoSummit – Ecological Sustainability: Enigneering Change, Montpellier, France, 29 August-01 September.

Huth, V., Vaidya, S., Hoffmann, M., Jurisch, N., Günther, A., Gundlach, L., Hagemann, U., Elsgaard, L., Augustin, J. (2016) Towards a consistent approach of measuring and modelling CO2 exchange with manual chambers. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April.

Moffat, A. M., Huth, V., Brümmer, C., Herbst, M., Andres, M. & Augustin, J. (2015) Einfluss von Raps auf den Bodenkohlenstoffhaushalt. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, Germany, 05-10 September, Oral presentation V16.

Moffat, A. M., Herbst, M., Huth, V., Andres, M. & Augustin, J. (2015) Impact of rapeseed cropping on the soil carbon balance. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April.

Günther, A., Huth, V., Jurasinski, G. Albrecht, K. & Glatzel, S. (2015) Paludiculture as a chance for peatland and climate: the greenhouse gas balance of biomass production on two rewetted peatlands does not differ from the natural state. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April.

Günther, A., Huth, V., Jurasinski, G. & Glatzel, S. (2014) The effect of biomass harvesting on greenhouse gas emissions from a rewetted temperate fen. 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour – BIOGEOMON 2014, Bayreuth, Germany, 13-17 July, Book of abstracts, Oral presentation O 6.2, 197. http://www.bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de/biogeomon2014/

Andres, M., Huth, V. & Augustin, J. (2014) Influence of soil tillage system on CO2, N2O and CH4 exchange, climate impact, and C/N budgets of winter oilseed rape in NE Germany. 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour – BIOGEOMON 2014, Bayreuth, Germany, 13-17 July, Book of abstracts, Poster presentation P 3.1, 118. http://www.bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de/biogeomon2014/