International Master Programme in Energy and Green Hydrogen

The International Master Programme in Energy and Green Hydrogen (IMP-EGH) project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of its capacity-building activities in Africa, in collaboration with the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL). The IMP-EGH project aims to train students based on international standards and best practices to meet the energy transition criteria in local and global energy sectors and green hydrogen markets. The University of Rostock together with RWTH Aachen University and the Research Center of Jülich (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)) is coordinating the project in partnership with four (04) West African universities namely the University of Lomé ─ Togo, the University of Cheikh Anta Diop – Sénégal, the University of Félix Houphouët-Boigny – Côte d’Ivoire, and the University Abdou Moumouni – Niger. The program is divided into six (06) tracks of which, the Bioenergy/Biofuels and Green Hydrogen Technology track is coordinated by the University of Rostock at the Professorship for Waste and Resource Management and Professorship for Material and Energy Valorisation, in close collaboration with the University of Lomé. The University of Rostock is also collaborating with the other West African universities mentioned above in the coordination of the different tracks. The tracks are divided into four (04) semesters each, in which the first and second semesters are done at the University Abdou Moumouni – Niger, by all the students from the six tracks. The first semester equips the students with knowledge of fundamental energy engineering, and climate phenomena. As they move to the second semester, the students gain a deeper understanding of renewable energy systems, green hydrogen, and climate change. During the third semester, students from the Bioenergy/Biofuels and Green Hydrogen Technology track are given lectures at the University of Lomé on their specialized course overseen by the Professorship for Waste and Resource Management and the Professorship for Material and Energy Valorisation (University of Rostock). During this semester, the students are trained on biomass and waste resources, biofuel energy engineering technologies, biomass to hydrogen production systems, data analysis, and scientific writing and communication. Finally, the fourth semester is hosted at the University of Rostock, where the students conduct their research and thesis writing under the supervision of the Professorship for Waste and Resource Management and the Professorship for Material and Energy Valorisation.