

German partners
Prof. Dr. Ralf, Bill (Steering committee)
Dr. Grenzdörffer, Görres (Steering committee)
Dr. Igamberdiev, Rahmatulla (Project Coordinator)
Ms. Naumann, Matthias (Technician)

Kyrgyz partners
Acad. Toktoraliev, Biimyrza - Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (Project Coordinator, Steering committee)
Prof. Abidov, Abdykadyr – Rector of Osh Technological University
Prof. Shamshiev, Bakytbek – Vice rector of Osh Technological University
Dr. Attokurov, Aibek – Director of Institute of Ecology and Applied Sciences, Osh Technological University
Acad. Aidaraliev, Asylbek – President of the International University of Kyrgyzstan
Dr. Hasanov, Bahtiyor – Head of the Department of Hydrometeorology, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, South branch.

Dr. Batyrov Janybek – Head of the Osh Territorial Administration of the Agency for Environmental Protection. Dipl.-Ing. Toktoraliev, Zayirbek – Osh Technological University (PhD Student)