WETSCAPES- Visitors from Brussels and Schwerin

Welcome to the delegation from Brussels and Schwerin from Prof. Scharek, Rektor of the university of Rostock, Photo: Franziska Schmacka

On October 17, Egbert Holthuis of the European Commission together with representatives of the regional government authorities took the time to visit the project WETSCAPES. During the visit, oral and poster presentations as well as a number of practical demonstrations showed the variety of the methods used as well as the importance of this research for climate protection and economy. The rector of the University of Rostock, Prof. Wolfgang Schareck, welcomed the visitors at the University and highlighted that 23 positions in the project enabled young researchers to reach their qualification goals within a realistic time setting (due to runtimes of more than three years). Herr Venohr from the regional Ministry of Education emphasized the importance of the project for climate protection on the one hand and land development through qualification of young researchers on the other hand. After the visitors from Brussels and Schwerin engaged in many animated discussions with young researchers and visited a modern science lab, Mr. Holthuis drew the conclusion that the exciting topic of peatland conservation and paludiculture is still too unknown and should therefore be presented in Brussels soon by the WETSCAPES scientists.


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