A02 - Multi-scale models for studies on electrically active implants in due consideration of uncertainties in the input data

Summary of the work programme

For therapies employing electrically active implants, numerical models are central in determining the resulting electric field distribution in the targeted tissue. Only multi-scale models that also include interacting bioelectrical, biochemical, biomechanical and thermal effects meet the specific character of biological tissue. We will investigate and advance appropriate finite element-based micro- and macroscopic models for bone, cartilage and deep brain as well as scale-bridging techniques and, furthermore, methods for uncertainty quantification as the dielectric tissue properties exhibit large variations. The simulation models will contribute to derive best-possible and robust inter-individual stimulation parameters, and, in turn, a safer therapy planning.

Cooperation projects

A01 / A03 / A04 / A05 / A06 / B01 / B02 / B03 / B05 / B06 / B07 / C01 / C02 / C03 / C04 / S01 / INF