Information Logistics


Accurate and readily available information is a crucial basis for decision making, problem solving, or performing knowledge intensive work. Routine activities and well-defined work flows are supported by sophisticated solutions, like enterprise information systems or enterprise resource planning systems. But for deviations from daily routine, ad-hoc processes, work in distributed teams with changing members or seemingly unstructured innovation activities, quickly finding the right information for the given purpose often is a challenge. Recent studies show that users spend a lot of time in searching for the right information which causes unnecessary delays and costs. In networked organisations with geographically distributed work force and processes, this challenge is even more substantial due to dynamically changing project teams or shortcomings in systems interoperability.

Research in information logistics addresses these challenges with an aim to improve information flow, i.e. applying logistic principles to information supply. Starting from industrial needs, the chair Business Information Systems designs and develops solutions for demand-oriented information supply. Relevant research activities are motivated by digitization efforts in industry and performed in close cooperation with the industrial partners.




Runtime Type Subject
2017-2018 Industry Project Situative Maintenance Support
2009-2012 Industry Project InfoFLOW - Improvement of Information Flow in Enterprises