Context-based Retrieval in Digital Libraries

• Funded by Swedish Institute’s Visby program

• 1.1.08 - 31.12.09 and 1.7.10-30.6.12

• Partners: St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation (SPIIRAS), Karelian Institute of Applied Mathematical Research (KRCRAS) and School of Engineering’


• The subject of the cooperation is context based retrieval of content from a technical perspective and digital libraries from an application perspective, with specific attention on scientific libraries context, i.e. university library or digital collections of material accumulated by researchers in a certain domain. The research field is closely linked to existing activities of Jönköping University in the areas of Information Logistics and Ontology Engineering. From a technical perspective, the objective is to extend these activities into two directions: (semi-)automatic creation of content and context based retrieval of content.
