Mobile & Wearable Information Systems

Mobile and wearable information systems are omnipresent. Smartphones are an indispensable part of everyday life and smartwatches and fitness trackers enjoy an increasing popularity. In the research field "Mobile & Wearable Information Systems", we investigate how sensor data, analytics and feedback that build on such devices can be integrated into personal and organizational ways of working. The aim of this integration is to help individuals and organizations to do more productive work – and at the same time increase the well-being of the actors.

One particular focus of our research is personal time and task management. In this area, we explore how data acquired from hardware sensors (such as heart rate and activity level) and software sensors (such as the number and location of scheduled appointments) can be linked and integrated with self-management methods. We also design and implement assistance systems that provide IT support for such advanced methods. For example, such systems may provide situation-aware recommendations and relevant analyzes. Recommendations may include suggestions for the next activity or recovery measures. Analyzes can, for example, show the degree of achievement of a self-imposed goal over time.

In general, when designing such methods and corresponding assistance systems, care must be taken to ensure that a balance is found between the protection of personal data and the functionality of the system. Also, control over the disclosure of personal data should always remain with the user.


In order to apply our research results, we use person-centered and technical customer services as sample application domains. They are representative for knowledge-intensive work with a high degree of freedom. Practical case studies and prototypes are used to check whether the designed methods and assistance systems have the intended utility and what implications they have for management and organizational learning.



Runtime Type Subject
Since 2017 PhD project Fabienne Lambusch: Context-sensitive Assistance Systems for Smart Self-Management.
2017 Cooperation Virtual Vehicle Center in Graz: Smartwatch data logger for vital data recording.