Dear doctoral students, we welcome you to study at our faculty!

Doctoral procedures at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Regulations, guidelines & decisions

Regulations, guidelines & decisions

  • Decision of the MNF on an exceptional authorisation for the right of supervision for habilitated employees in doctoral procedures at the MNF: Decision
  • On 01.10.2012 the internal procedural guideline for the preparation of a cumulative dissertation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rostock comes into force: German, English
  • Internal procedural regulations for the appointment of doctoral committees: pdf-file
Fields of doctoral studies

Fields of doctoral studies

Institute of Biosciences:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology Didactics
  • Biophysics
  • Botany
  • Genetics
  • Marine Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Ecology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Animal Physiology
  • Cell Biology
  • Zoology

Institute of Physics:

  • Applied Physics
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Experimental Physics
  • Physics Didactics
  • Physical Oceanography
  • Theoretical Physics

Institute of Chemistry:

  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry Didactics

Institute of Mathematics:

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Didactics



Admission requirements

Admission requirements

Please note that any application for admission to doctoral studies must be submitted before the application for submission of a doctoral thesis. Otherwise there may be delays.

  • The requirements according to § 3 of the doctoral regulations MNF must be fulfilled.
  • Students with non-subject-specific or foreign degrees need to make an application for admission for their doctoral studies : Form Page 1, Page 2
  • In addition to the application for admission to doctoral studies, the following documents are to be submitted to the dean's office: copies of certificates and diplomas, the Master's thesis for inspection (will be returned) and a letter of endorsement from the future supervisor.
PhD students not supervised at the MNF

PhD students not supervised at the MNF

The doctoral regulations (§ 8 (1)) require at least one reviewer who is employed full-time at an institute of the faculty or an affiliated institute or who has been employed within the last three years. The doctoral candidate is responsible for contacting the potential reviewer. Contact must be made in good time before submission of the dissertation (at the beginning of the work for the dissertation).

Forms to be submitted

Forms to be submitted

  • Data-entry form for doctoral candidates (only required for doctoral candidates who are not enrolled): German, English
  • The maximum length of a monographic dissertation is 100 pages (without bibliography, explanations and appendices). If the number of pages is exceeded, please submit an informal, reasoned request to the Dean's Office. The Faculty Council will decide whether to grant an exception on the basis of this application.
  • Cumulative Dissertation (§ 6 par. 5 Doctoral regulations): The personal contribution must be listed visibly and explicitly. As of 1.10.2012 the internal procedural guidelines for the preparation of a cumulative dissertation at the MNF must be observed.

Deadlines for the opening of doctoral and habilitation procedures

The complete documents are to be submitted to the Central Doctoral and Habilitation Office (S44). Please note the submission deadlines so that the documents can be checked and prepared in time for the meeting.