
The Internet is a great help when studying. However, extreme caution is required when selecting the data that can be accessed. A critical eye is essential when dealing with online sources. The Institute offers a list of links, some of which are annotated, which can make studying easier.

Research & Literature

Research & Literature





  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
    The MLA offers, among other things, a list of formal and normative criteria for the composition and preparation of written work (citation styles, tables of contents, etc.), also known as MLA style.
  • Wikipedia (Free Encyclopedia)
    The free online encyclopedia is a reference work that can quickly and easily provide a compact or detailed overview of many topics. However, as the scientific nature of the articles is not generally guaranteed, Wikipedia should only be used as a source of inspiration and should not be cited as the "ultimate wisdom". Instead, specialist literature should be used. Please note: The English version is in many cases better elaborated than the German version.
  • SparkNotes This website offers valuable study guides on literature, poetry, film, history and philosophy.
Study abroad

Study abroad



  • (state education server)
  • The BBC's website for teachers with lots of tips, articles and lesson plans 
  • Teatime-Mag Teatime-Mag (Highly recommended for the use of new media in the classroom. "The free English language magazine TeaTime-Mag offers you exciting articles from the English-speaking world. Journalists and travelers report from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, USA, India, New Zealand and [...]")


  • lo-net² (Network for the exchange of ideas for teachers and management system for school lessons)