How about my prior knowledge in maths, physics, chemistry and biology?

Agricultural Sciences are a science course and that means you should definitely be interested in and have previous knowledge of the natural sciences - biology, chemistry and physics.

In addition to scientific knowledge, mathematical knowledge is also important for Environmental Engineering Sciences. Of course it would have been advantageous if you had studied all subjects until the end of your school career, but only very few graduates here had that. Even students with only one year of chemistry at school have passed their exams. You learn in the lectures, exercises, internships and tutorials what you should know in the exam. Many things from school are repeated and only then deepened.

Well, and sometimes, it’s just: Grit your teeth and get to it! If you notice a lack of knowledge: study, study, study – that is how you become a student!

Are there restrictions on admission?

For the Bachelor's programme in Agricultural Sciences, prospective students have already completed a 12-week internship before starting their studies. In exceptional cases, six weeks before the start of studies are sufficient for admission. The remaining six weeks have to be completed before the application for the Bachelor's thesis can be submitted.

For the Bachelor's programme in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Sciences, prospective students must have completed a four-week internship before starting their studies.

In exceptional cases (e.g. when changing degree programmes), admission may be granted subject to the condition that the internship must be completed by the end of the first academic year at the latest.

How does the internship work? Which companies can you go to?

Agricultural Sciences
In the professional internship the students should acquire experiences, skills and abilities from agriculture and the associated fields of work in the agricultural area.

The internship takes at least 12 weeks. It can be completed undivided or divided into a maximum of 3 sections. Students should spend at least 6 weeks working on an agricultural holding. Detailed information can be found in the internship regulations.

The internship must be completed in companies and institutions that are recognised as internship companies by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Take a look at our internship exchange. There you will find many different companies. If you are not sure, ask at the study office if your desired internship will be recognized.

Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering Sciences
The preliminary internship serves the acquisition of practical experience, skills and abilities in the various subject areas of civil and environmental engineers. In addition to the specialist activity, knowledge of company organisations, social structures as well as work and safety aspects should also be acquired. If possible, the four weeks should be completed within a coherent period of time. In exceptional cases, they can also be carried out in two separate periods in agreement with the internship office.

The internship can be absolved in the following areas: Supply and disposal, civil engineering and environmental geotechnics, hydraulic engineering and water management, geoinformation, environmental planning and development of rural areas or energy management.

Information on the settlement of internships can be found here. For both degree programmes, vocational training can be recognised as an internship. The internship can also be completed abroad.

Are specialisations possible during the bachelor’s degree and what are the profiles?

Agricultural Sciences
The compulsory elective modules are scheduled for the 5th and 6th semester. They allow students to organize their studies according to individual interests and abilities and specifically prepare for the Masters courses or entry into professional practice. There are many opportunities to specialize in the fields of animal sciences, soil & plant sciences and practical utilization. Each student to complete at least three compulsory modules of 18 credits. A free selection and compositon of the modules is possible. Here you find an overview on all compulsory elective modules.

Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering Sciences
The required compulsory modules for the 6th semester enable the students to design their studies according to their individual interests and abilities, and to prepare themselves for one of the master's courses or entry in professional practice. Each student to complete at least three compulsory modules of 18 credits. A free selection and assembly of the modules is possible.

Here you can find an overview of the elective specialisations and individual modules offered:

Which subjects are offered here but not at other universities?

In Rostock, the basics from the animal and plant sector are taught to all students in agricultural sciences. Specialisation only takes place later in the Master's programme.

Many students chose Rostock because they wanted to get to know both sides before deciding on one, or they wanted to learn something from the other area even though they had already decided on one. Some also decided on Rostock because of the good options in the compulsory elective area.

The education in the Bachelor's degree programme in Environmental Engineering Sciences focuses on the special features of rural areas and coastal regions. The issues and solution approaches encountered here are relevant and transferable beyond northern Germany to many regions worldwide.

The Civil Engineering degree programme in Rostock differs from other degree programmes in its focus on digital transformation in the construction industry. In addition, there is the synergy with environmental engineering. Both degree programmes are closely connected with each other.

Are the studies specialised on Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?

No, a lot of the basics apply worldwide to agricultural systems. Yet, many examples are taken from cooperating farms, companies and institutions in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Where do I find the study regulations?

Framework examination regulations for the bachelor's and master's degree courses at the University of Rostock

unofficial consolidated reading version

Examination and study regulations for the bachelor and master programmes

How about my English skills? Are there lectures held in English?

How about my English skills? Are there lectures held in English?

With only a few exceptions, e.g. if you have an English speaking guest lecturer, the lectures will be held in German. Even though you will probably rarely speak or hear English, it’s an advantage to understand. Especially if you read professional and specialized literature you’ll find most of it in English. Also most of your own papers in later studies and research will have to be written in English.

A good opportunity to upgrade your English is a course at the Language Centre.  It helps to refresh your knowledge on different levels and deepens it with technical vocabulary. In addition, the Language Centre offers a range of other languages, e.g. Spanish, French and Italian at various levels.

How do I build my schedule?

How do I build my schedule?

The AUF is offering schedules for all programmes, so you don’t have to build your own timetable. About 2 weeks before the semester start and the beginning of classes you can download it from this page. A predetermined schedule saves you time and guarantees no overlapping of the various courses within the faculty. Even optional modules are usually coordinated in accordance to make it possible to visit all of them if you wish. If you study each semester according to the predefined schedule and if you pass all the tests in intended time, you’ll finish your bachelor’s degree after 3 years.

Lectures at the AUF begin at 7:30am and end at 18:00pm. But don’t be afraid. Note that this is not your everyday timetable! This are the times in between which lectures can take place. The average attendance time for courses during a week amounts to only 20x45 min. So you might find three very early lectures per week, but just one very late, and sometimes even a day off.

Where do I get the teaching materials?

Where do I get the teaching materials?

Most of the lecturers will tell you, where to find their materials in the first lecture. Almost everything can be found online on different university platforms. With your enrolment, you’ll get an access authorization and a guideline how to use these platforms. Required books you can usually find in sufficient quantities in the library. Sometimes the lecturer brings materials to the lecture (being a PDF file or copy). If you miss something there, ask your fellow students

Is there just theory or also practice during the studies?

Is there just theory or also practice during the studies?

A university degree usually includes a lot of theory. Nevertheless, the practical references are necessary, too.  So you will find both in your studies. The practical part includes excursions, field trips, seminars and exercises in which the theoretical knowledge is applied: you’ll have to identify bottomset beds and plants, vet an animal, whether it is healthy, or survey a little part of the world.

How is the student structure?

How is the student structure?

Currently we have students from the age of 18 to 40. It is striking that there are quite a few students with prior professional training in agricultural work, who want to deepen their practical knowledge with modern theory, which not only appears to be very interesting, but is also offering better job perspectives for the future.

More than 50% of our students are female and there are no differences in successful completion of the studies between male and female students! There are less and less prejudices against women in agricultural jobs, but more and more leading positions acquired by women these days.

How is the faculty atmosphere?

How is the faculty atmosphere?

The atmosphere in our small faculty is very pleasant and enjoyable. With just about 600 students it’s a nice environment to study and to get into personal contact. It won’t take you long before you’ll find your way around the campus, and start greeting your professors in the hallway. Those lecturers with a good memory for names will know yours soon!