Can I complete a Master's degree at AUF with my Bachelor's degree?

This depends on your Bachelor's degree programme. If you have any doubts, it is best to contact the person responsible for the degree programme.
If you are interested in studying aquaculture, you should first have completed a course in agriculture, engineering, food sciences, biology or business administration. Students are well prepared for the courses in livestock sciences, plant production and environment by studying agricultural or biosciences. Engineering or scientific-oriented (environmental) courses form a solid basis for the Master's in Environmental Engineering Sciences.

What are the restrictions on admission for a master’s degree at the AUF?

Detailed information on the individual Master's programmes can be found in the respective examination and study regulations (SPSO). In order to be admitted to the Master's programme, prospective students require

  • a first university degree qualifying for a profession (Bachelor),
  • English language skills at B2 level and
  • knowledge of German at B2 level (for applicants whose native language is not German).

Prospective students must have a Bachelor's degree with at least 2.6.

Environmental Engineering:
Prospective students must prove at least 30 credit points (LP) in the basic engineering subjects. These are at least 12 LP in Engineering Mathematics, 12 LP in Physics/Mechanics/Statics/Strength Teaching and 6 LP in Chemistry or Process Engineering. Of the required credit points, a maximum of 6 LPs can be earned in the course of the first academic year.

What is the B2-Level of English skills?

In order to study a master's degree at the AUF – for all four programmes – you have to proof a certain level of English skills according to the CEFR. Contact your student counsellor to find out what test you need to show with your application.

Where can I find the current examination and study regulations?

Framework examination regulations for the bachelor's and master's degree courses at the University of Rostock

unofficial consolidated reading version

Examination and study regulations for the master programmes