Day 1

 All photos: Berthold Brinkmann. With kind permission by B Brinkmann and the parish.

Tilman Jeremias, Pastor of St. Mary’s Church, greets the attendants

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Hathumar Drost (Potsdam) was the presenter at the symposium

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Hathumar Drost (Potsdam) was the presenter at the symposium

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schukowski delivering his talk

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schukowski delivering his talk

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Symposium attendants in St. Mary’s Church

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Karl-Bernhardin Kropf, cantor of St. Mary’s, greets participants with an organ recital

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Dr. Steffen Stuth, director of Rostock’s Museum of Cultural History

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Dr. Steffen Stuth, director of Rostock’s Museum of Cultural History

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Arts expert Jan Schröder (Berlin) delivers his presentation

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Prof. Schukowski explains the Astronomical Clock in his trademark vivid way

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

At the time of the symposium there was renovation work in progress, and scaffolding was set up right next to the clock

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Greeting ceremony in City Hall. In the foreground Tilman Jeremias, Pastor of St. Mary’s. To his right Dr. Robert Wynands (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), Prof. Dr. Fedor Mitschke (Rostock University) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Schukowski

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Greeting ceremony in City Hall

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Address by Karina Jens, President of the City Parliament

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Greeting ceremony in City Hall. In the foreground Dr. Robert Wynands (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), Prof. Dr. Fedor Mitschke (Universität Rostock) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Schukowski (right to left)

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Ceremonial Address by Provost Wulf Schünemann

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Ceremonial Address by Dr. Rosemarie Wilcken, CEO of Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz (German Foundation for Monument Protection)

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Dr. Robert Wynands, Department Head of the Presidential Staff, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Group picture of attendants taken in City Hall

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Evening Reception in the City Hall lobby, here conservator Uta Jahnke and scholar of art Jan Schröder

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Evening Reception in the City Hall lobby. The Senator for Youth, Social Affairs, Health Care, Schools, Sports, and Culture Liane Melzer in conversation with Prof. Dr. Fedor Mitschke

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Relaxed mood at the evening reception in the City Hall lobby

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Evening reception in the City Hall lobby. Prof. Andrzej Januszajtis (Gdansk), his spouse, and Claus Peter (Hamm)

Taken: 25.10.2012 (Berthold Brinkmann)

Links to other photos of the 2012 Symposium: