Dipl.-Biol. Stephan Scholz


Universität Rostock
Institut für Biowissenschaften
Allgemeine und Spezielle Zoologie
Universitätsplatz 2, 18055 Rostock
Tel.: +49 381 / 498-6263
Email: stephan.scholz (at) uni-rostock.de

Studies and training

10.2003 - 05.2010 Diploma studies of Biology, FSU-Jena: Major: Zoology, Minors: Ecology, Anthropology

Diploma thesis on constant patterns and phenotypic plasticity of the hemolymphatic vascular system in marbled crayfish

09.2001 - 07.2003 Senckenberg School at the Senckenberg Research Institute and Nature Museum in Frankfurt am Main; technical assistant for natural history museums and research institutes

Professional activities

since 09.2011 Technical assistant: collection care, taxidermy, histology, micro-computer tomography, 3D modeling

since 05.2008 Outreach in the context of cultural events such as “Long Night of Museums" and "Long night of Science”, teaching (zoological practical course, zoological identification exercises, excursions), collection care, taxidermy, at ASZ University of Rostock

10.2003 - 12.2007 student assistant, teaching (zoological practical course, zoological identification exercises), collection care, taxidermy at the Phyletic Museum and the Special Zoology Department of the FSU Jena

11.2000 - 08.2001 Voluntary Ecological Year at the Phyletic Museum of the FSU-Jena, work in the collections and taxidermy

08. - 09.2000 internship at the workshop of the Museum of Nature in Gotha, taxidermy and exhibition design


Schmidt, J., Scholz, S., Wiesner, J., & Will, K. (2023): MicroCT data provide evidence correcting the previous misidentification of an Eocene amber beetle (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) as an extant species. Scientific Reports 13: 14743. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39158-7

Scholz, S.; Göpel, T.; Richter, S.; Wirkner, C.S. (2021) High degree of non-genetic phenotypic variation in the vascular system of crayfish – a discussion of possible causes and implications. Zoomorphology 140: 317-329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00435-021-00536-2

Schmidt, J., Scholz, S.; Maddison D.R. (2021): Balticeler kerneggeri gen. nov., sp. nov., an enigmatic Baltic amber fossil of the ground beetle subfamily Trechinae (Coleoptera, Carabidae).Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 68: 207-224. https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.68.66181

Scholz, S.; Richter, S.; Wirkner, C.S. (2018): Constant morphological patterns in the hemolymph vascular system of crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda). Arthropod Structure & Development 47: 248-267.

Wirkner, C.S.; Göpel, T.; Runge, J.; Keiler, J.; Klußmann-Fricke, B.-J.; Huckstorf, K.; Scholz, S.; Mikó, I.; Yoder, M.; Richter, S. (2017): The first organ-based ontology for arthropods (Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems - OArCS) and its integration into a novel formalization scheme for morphological descriptions. Systematic Biology 66(5): 754-768.


21. CrustTag, Rostock, 25.-27.04.2024

Poster: Scholz, S., Grams. M., Richter, S. - "Kräftig verdreht: Die Pleonmuskulatur caridoider Malakostraken"


ICIM: 06.2011 Cambridge (MA, USA):

Poster: "The hemolymph vascular system in Stenopus hispidus (Crustacea, Decapoda)"

Presentation: "Complex phenotyic plasticity – The Hemolymph Vascular System of the marbled crayfish (Decapoda, Astacida)"


Crusttag: 04.2011 Regensburg:

Poster: Das Hämolymphgefäßsystem von Stenopus hispidus (Stenopodidae, Decapoda)


DZG: 09.2010 Hamburg:

Poster: "Constant and variable patterns in the hemolymph vascular system of the Marbled Crayfish"


Crusttag: 04.2009 Rostock:

Presentation: "Phänotypische Plastizität und Konstanz des Hämolymph-Gefäß-Systems des Marmorkrebses (Decapoda, Astacida)"


ACP: 10.2008 Rostock:

Poster: "Morphological aspects of the Hemolymph Vascular System in the Marbled Crayfish (Decapoda, Astacida)"