3D-DIC System

Manufacturer DantecDynamics / Limess

System designation: Q 400

  • ISTRA 4D software package for analyzing the measurements
  • Powerful mobile 3D-DIC system
  • 2D and 3D recordings possible
  • Additional analog and digital inputs and outputs for external signals
  • Evaluation live and in post-process

Material Testing

The in 2012 completed laboratory hall not only accommodates our laboratory for composites, but also our material-testing technology. Primarily tailored to the testing of fiber-reinforced plastics, our machines can also be used for other composites and lightweight construction methods.

Servo-hydraulic Testing Machine MTS 322.21


  • Static and dynamic material and component investigations.

Technical data

  • max. static and dynamic nominal test load: +/-100 kN
  • max. frequencies: 0.1 to 50 Hz
  • column distance: 533 mm
  • installation height: 1270 mm
  • piston stroke: +/-75 mm

Servo-hydraulic Testing Machine MTS 858


  • Static and dynamic material and component investigations.

Technical data:

  • max. nominal test load: +/-15 kN
  • setting height: 500 mm
  • Hydraulic chuck: flat specimens d = 1 to 4 mm, round specimens ø = 12 mm

Digital Microscope Keyence VHX-7000

Purchased especially for teaching and for the three-dimensional study of fracture structures and z-pins, Keyence's VHX 7000 series digital microscope enables powerful imaging. For this purpose, magnifications between 20 and 2500 can be achieved through several objectives.

Reflected Light Microscope Hund H600 AM

For the inspection of the microstructure of fiber-reinforced plastics, we have a powerful reflected light microscope, the Hund H600. For the preparation of microsection samples, we also use a low-speed cutter and a polishing and grinding machine.

The acquisition of the microscope was supported with funds from the European Regional Development Fund.


  • Optical evaluation of curing processes, assessment of fiber waviness
  • Determination of fiber volume contents