
Neuste Veröffentlichungen

Juni 2024

Frentz-Göllnitz, Max; Remund, Adrien; Harmsen, Carel; Stoeldraijer, Lenny; van der Toorn, Janine; Doblhammer, Gabriele & Janssen, Fanny (2024): Contributions of causes of death to differentials in life expectancy by internal migrant status in the Netherlands. A population register based study, 2015-2019. SSM-Population Health,  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2024.101690

Mai 2024

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Spéder, Zsolt (Editors) (2024): Demographic Developments in Eastern and Western Europe Before and After the Transformation of Socialist Countries. Comparative Population Studies, Special Issues Vol. 49

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Spéder, Zsolt (2024): Editorial on the Special Issue “Demographic Developments in Eastern and Western Europe Before and After the Transformation of Socialist Countries”. Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 49, 117-140. DOI: 10.12765/CPoS-2024-05

April 2024

Holtz, Anna V.; Fink, Anne; Tamgüney, Gültekin; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2024): Colonoscopy and Subsequent Risk of Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Parkinson's Disease, (Preprint), 1-14. DOI: 10.3233/JPD-240017

Georges, Daniela; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2024): Älter und diverser: Demografische Entwicklungen in Deutschland und ihre Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitsversorgung und Pflege. In: Bauer, J.; Becker, C.; Denkinger, M.; Wirth, R. (Hg.): Geriatrie: Das gesamte Spektrum der Altersmedizin für Klinik und Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

März 2024

Weißbach, Rafael; Radloff, Lucas; Reinke, Constantin; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2024): A powerful nonparametric test of the effect of dementia duration on mortality. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 1–33. DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2024.2320128

Dezember 2023

Fink, Anne; Reinke, Constantin; Aretz, Benjamin; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): Can physical activity moderate the relation between systemic inflammation and cognitive performance in an elderly community dwelling population?. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19 (Suppl. 23), e076099. DOI: 10.1002/alz.076099

Reinke, Constantin; Aretz, Benjamin; Fink, Anne; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): The mediating effect of HbA1c levels on the relationship between education and cognitive function. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19 (Suppl. 22), e076162. DOI: 10.1002/alz.076162

Fink, Anne; Dodel, Richard; Georges, Daniela; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): The impact of gender‐specific survival on the incidence of dementia in Parkinson’s disease‐A cohort analysis of Parkinson’s disease patients in German health claims data for the years 2006 to 2017. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19 (Suppl. 22), e076065. DOI: 10.1002/alz.076065

Rakusa, Elena; Reinke, Constantin; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Schmid, Matthias; Welchowski, Thomas (2023): Is a dementia diagnosis predictive for palliative care?‐A machine learning approach. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19 (Suppl. 23), e076133. DOI: 10.1002/alz.076133

Oktober 2023

Georges, Daniela; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): Informal care and mental health in Germany: What are the differences between non-migrants and ethnic German immigrants? A longitudinal comparative analysis. Aging & Mental Health 28 (3), S. 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2023.2271866

September 2023

Georges, Daniela; Rakusa, Elena; Holtz, Anna V.; Fink, Anne; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): Demenzerkrankungen in Deutschland: Epidemiologie, Trends und Herausforderungen. Journal of Health Monitoring 8(3). Robert Koch-Institut, 32-52. DOI: 10.25646/11566

Fink, Anne; Dodel, Richard; Georges, Daniela; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): The Impact of Sex‐Specific Survival on the Incidence of Dementia in Parkinson's Disease. Movement Disorders. DOI: 10.1002/mds.29596

Juli 2023

Fink, Anne; Pavlou, Maria; Roomp, Kirsten; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Schneider, Jochen G. (2023): Unraveling the Decline: Search for Factors Behind the Trend in Parkinson’s Disease Incidence Rates – A Cohort Study of German Health Claims Data. medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.29.23291993

Mai 2023

Rakuša, Elena; Fink, Anne; Tamgüney, Gültekin; Heneka, Michael; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2023): Sporadic Use of Antibiotics in Older Adults and the Risk of Dementia: A Nested Case-Control Study Based on German Health Claims Data. Journal of Alzheimer's disease 93(4), 1329 – 1339. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-221153

Jahreis, Kathrin; Brüge, Alina; Borsdorf, Saskia; Fink, Anne et al. (2023): Amisulpride as a potential disease-modifying drug in the treatment of tauopathies. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2023, 1-16. DOI: 10.1002/alz.13090

März 2023

Eisemann, N.; Schnoor, M.; Rakusa, E.; Braren-von Stülpnagel, C. C.; Katalinic; Ludwig, M. ; Sonntag, B. ; Ludwig, A. K. ; Elsner, S. A. (2023): Psychosocial health and quality of life in ICSI and naturally conceived adolescents: a cross-sectional comparison. Quality of life research 32(8), 2223-2234. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-023-03382-5

Februar 2023

Potts, Sophie; Bergherr, Elisabeth; Reinke, Constantin; Griesbach, Colin (2023): Prediction-based Variable Selection for Component-wise Gradient Boosting. arXiv preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.13822

Weißbach, Rafael; Dörre, Achim; Wied, Dominik; Doblhammer-Reiter, Gabriele ; Fink, Anne (2023): Left-truncated health insurance claims data: theoretical review and empirical application. Advances in statistical analysis Advance online publication, 1-38. DOI: 10.1007/s10182-023-00471-1

Dezember 2022

Aretz, Benjamin; Costa, Rafael; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Janssen, Fanny (2022): The association of unhealthy and healthy food store accessibility with obesity prevalence among adults in the Netherlands: A spatial analysis. In: SSM-Population Health, 101332. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101332

Oktober 2022

Nestler, Sophia; Kreft, Daniel; Donndorf, Peter; Ince, Hüseyin; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022): Stents versus bypass surgery: 3-year mortality risk of patients with coronary interventions aged 50+ in Germany. In: Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 17 (1), S. 1-8. DOI: 10.1186/s13019-022-02014-2

Mai 2022

Westphal, Christina; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022): Chancen für gesundes Altern: eine Lebenslaufperspektive auf Demenzen und Sterblichkeit. In: Andrea et al. Teti (Hg.): Wohnen und Gesundheit im Alter: Springer, S. 11–29. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-34386-6_2.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Fritze, Thomas; Reinke, Constantin; Fink, Anne (2022b): Can dementia become the most prevalent disease at the time of death in Germany? Projections up to the year 2060 for the five most important diseases at the time of death. In: Journal of Population Ageing, S. 1–18. DOI: 10.1007/s12062-022-09365-7.

April 2022

Fink, Anne; Doerre, Achim; Demuth, Ilja; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022a): Potential of prevention strategies for the modifiable risk factor type 2 diabetes with relation to the future number of dementia patients in Germany–a multi-state projection through 2040. In: BMC neurology 22 (1), S. 1–11. DOI: 10.1186/s12883-022-02682-6.

Reinke, Constantin; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Schmid, Matthias; Welchowski, Thomas (2022a): Dementia risk predictions from German claims data using methods of machine learning. In: Alzheimer's & Dementia. DOI: 10.1002/alz.12663.

März 2022

Grigoriev, Olga; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022): Does the Mortality of Individuals with Severe Disabilities Contribute to the Persistent East–West Mortality Gap Among German Men? In: European Journal of Population, S. 1–25. DOI: 10.1007/s10680-022-09609-4.

Kreft, Daniel; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022): Sex and Gender Differences in Environmental Influences on Dementia Incidence in Germany, 2014–2019: An Observational Cohort Study Based on Health Claims Data. In: Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD (Preprint), S. 1–15. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-215030.

Februar 2022

Aretz, Benjamin (2022): The short-and long-term effects of the Great Recession on late-life depression in Europe: The role of area deprivation. In: Social Science & Medicine (294), S. 114697. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114697.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Reinke, Constantin; Kreft, Daniel (2022a): Social disparities in the first wave of COVID-19 incidence rates in Germany: a county-scale explainable machine learning approach. In: BMJ open 12 (2), e049852. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049852.

Januar 2022

Georges, Daniela (2022): The effect of informal caregiving on physical health among non-migrants and Ethnic German Immigrants in Germany: a cohort analysis based on the GSOEP 2000–2018. In: BMC Public Health 22 (1), S. 1–15. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-12550-0.

Fink, Anne; Hermann, Andreas; Günster, Christian; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022b): Influenza Vaccination in Patients With Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease: An Analysis of Routine Health Insurance Data for the Years 2014–2019. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 119 (5), S. 66–67. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0101.

Nestler, Sophia; Kreft, Daniel; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Guthoff, Rudolf F.; Frech, Stefanie (2022): Progression to severe visual impairment and blindness in POAG patients: pace and risk factors—a cohort study using German health claims data. In: BMJ open ophthalmology 7 (1), e000838. DOI: 10.1136/ bmjophth-2021-000838.

Reinke, Constantin; Buchmann, Nikolaus; Fink, Anne; Tegeler, Christina; Demuth, Ilja; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2022b): Diabetes duration and the risk of dementia: a cohort study based on German health claims data. In: Age and ageing 51 (1), afab231. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afab231.



Aretz, Benjamin; Janssen, Fanny; Vonk, Judith M.; Heneka, Michael T.; Boezen, H. Marike; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2021): Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter, lung function and cognitive performance: A prospective Dutch cohort study on the underlying routes. In: Environmental research 201, S. 111533. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111533.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Reinke, Constantin; Kreft, Daniel (2021a): The second wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 deaths in Germany–driven by values, social status and migration background? A county-scale explainable machine learning approach. In: medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2021.04.14.21255474.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Kreft, Daniel; Reinke, Constantin (2021b): Regional Characteristics of the Second Wave of SARS-CoV-2 Infections and COVID-19 Deaths in Germany. In: International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (20), S. 10663. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182010663.

Fink, Anne; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Tamgüney, Gültekin (2021): Recurring Gastrointestinal Infections Increase the Risk of Dementia. In: Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 84 (2), S. 797–806. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-210316.

Fritze, Thomas; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Widmann, Catherine N.; Heneka, Michael T. (2021): Time course of dementia following sepsis in German health claims data. In: Neurology-Neuroimmunology Neuroinflammation 8 (1). DOI: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000911.

Georges, Daniela; Buber-Ennser, Isabella; Rengs, Bernhard; Kohlenberger, Judith; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2021): Health determinants among refugees in Austria and Germany: A propensity-matched comparative study for Syrian, Afghan, and Iraqi refugees. In: PloS one 16 (4), e0250821. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250821.

Hoffmann, Rasmus; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2021): Approaches and methods for causal analysis of panel data in the area of morbidity and mortality. In: Comparative Population Studies 46. DOI: 10.12765/CPoS-2021-03.

Kreft, Daniel; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Guthoff, Rudolf F.; Frech, Stefanie (2021a): Incidence, individual, and macro level risk factors of severe binocular visual impairment and blindness in persons aged 50 and older. In: PloS one 16 (5), e0251018. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251018.

Kreft, Daniel; Barth, Alexander; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2021b): Nachfrageentwicklung bei Implantaten. In: Ulrike Löschner, Fabienne Siegosch und Steffen Fleßa (Hg.): Strategien der Implantatentwicklung mit hohem Innovationspotenzial. Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 63–100. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-33474-1_4.

Weißbach, Rafael; Kim, Yongdai; Dörre, Achim; Fink, Anne; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2021): Left-censored dementia incidences in estimating cohort effects. In: Lifetime data analysis 27 (1), S. 38–63. DOI: 10.1007/s10985-020-09505-1.



Buchmann, Nikolaus; Fink, Anne; Tegeler, Christina; Demuth, Ilja; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth (2020): Type II diabetes and dementia. In: Acta Diabetologica 57 (2), S. 249–250. DOI: 10.1007/s00592-019-01400-y.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Reinke, Constantin; Kreft, Daniel (2020): Social disparities in the first wave of COVID-19 infections in Germany: A county-scale explainable machine learning approach. In: medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2020.12.22.20248386.

Doblhammer-Reiter, Gabriele; Salzmann, Thomas (2020): Sterberate. In: Hector Wittwer, Daniel Schäfer und Andreas Frewer (Hg.): Handbuch Sterben und Tod. Geschichte – Theorie – Ethik. Stuttgart: Springer, S. 140–147. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-476-05762-4.

Dörre, Achim; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2020): The effect of gender on COVID-19 infections and mortality in Germany: Insights from age-and sex-specific modelling of contact rates, infections, and deaths. In: medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2020.10.06.20207951.

Fritze, Thomas; Reinke, Constantin; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2020): World War II cohorts and diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease later in life: An observational cohort study based on German claims data. In: medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2020.11.11.20227660.

Heser, Kathrin; Fink, A.; Reinke, C.; Wagner, M.; Doblhammer, G. (2020): The temporal association between incident late‐life depression and incident dementia. In: Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica 142 (5), S. 402–412. DOI: 10.1111/acps.13220.

Kreft, Daniel; Keiler, Jonas; Grambow, Eberhard; Kischkel, Sabine; Wree, Andreas; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2020): Prevalence and mortality of venous leg diseases of the deep veins: an observational cohort study based on German health claims data. In: Angiology 71 (5), S. 452–464. DOI: 10.1177/0003319720905751.

Nerius, Michael; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Tamgüney, Gültekin (2020a): GI infections are associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. In: Gut 69 (6), S. 1154–1156. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-318822.

Nerius, Michael; Haenisch, Britta; Gomm, Willy; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Schneider, Anja (2020b): Glucocorticoid therapy is associated with a lower risk of dementia. In: Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 73 (1), S. 175–183. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-190444.

Nerius, Michael; Ziegler, Uta; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Fink, Anne (2020c): Trends in der Prävalenz von Demenz und Parkinson–Eine Analyse auf Basis aller gesetzlich versicherten Personen im Alter 65+ in Deutschland zwischen 2009 und 2012. In: Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 82 (10), S. 761–769. DOI: 10.1055/a-0829-6494.



Aretz, B.; Doblhammer, G.; Janssen, F. (2019a): Schlechtes Lebensumfeld–schlechte Gesundheit. In: Demografische Forschung aus Erster Hand 16 (4).

Aretz, Benjamin; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Janssen, Fanny (2019b): Effects of changes in living environment on physical health: a prospective German cohort study of non-movers. In: European journal of public health 29 (6), S. 1147–1153. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz044.

Barth, Alexander; Aretz, Benjamin; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2019): Risk of reduced earning capacity pension due to cardiovascular diseases after medical rehabilitation: An event history analysis based on German Statutory Pension Insurance data. In: Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 82 (10), S. 786–793. DOI: 10.1055/a-0832-2117.

Buchmann, Nikolaus; Fink, Anne; Tegeler, Christina; Demuth, Ilja; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth (2019): Different treatment forms of type II diabetes and the risk of dementia in German health claims data. In: Acta Diabetologica 56 (9), S. 995–1003. DOI: 10.1007/s00592-019-01332-7.

Doblhammer, Gabriele (2019a): The month of birth: Evidence for declining but persistent cohort effects in lifespan. In: Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting (01), S. 319–334. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05075-7_23.

Doblhammer, Gabriele (2019b): Ein langes gesundes Leben? In: AStA Wirtschafts-und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 13 (1), S. 15–33. DOI: 10.1007/s11943-019-00242-y.

Dörre, Achim; Weißbach, Rafael; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Fink, Anne; Reinke, Constantin (2019): Estimating Dementia Incidence in an Illness-Death Model using Health-Claims Data. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32650.41924.

Fritze, Thomas; Fink, Anne; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2019): Dementia in an Aging World. In: Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social, and Regulatory Implications, S. 15–34. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780190459802.001.0001.

Grigoriev, Olga; Doblhammer, Gabriele (2019): Changing educational gradient in long-term care-free life expectancy among German men, 1997-2012. In: PloS one 14 (9), e0222842. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222842.

Kreft, Daniel; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Guthoff, R. F.; Frech, S. (2019): Prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of primary open-angle glaucoma-a cohort study based on longitudinal data from a German public health insurance. In: BMC Public Health 19 (1), S. 1–14. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-6935-6.



Aretz, Benjamin; Doblhammer, Gabriele, Hanssen, Fanny: Effects of Changes in Living Environment on Physical Health: A Prospective German Cohort Study of Movers and Non-Movers in Germany. SOEPpapers (997).

Barth, Alexander; Yücel, Seyrani; Ince, Hüseyin; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Impact of transcatheter aortic valve implantation on the risk of mortality in patients with severe aortic valve diseases: a health insurance-based analysis. 04/2018; 5(1):e000756., DOI:10.1136/openhrt-2017-000756.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Fink, Anne; Fritze, Thomas; Nerius, Michael: 2. Demographische Entwicklung und Epidemiologie von Demenzerkrankungen In: v. Jessen, Frank (Hrsg.): Handbuch Alzheimer-Krankheit. Grundlagen – Diagnostik – Therapie – Versorgung – Prävention. S.13-34.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Barth, Alexander: Prevalence of Morbidity at extrem old Age in Germany: An Observation study using Health claims data: Prevalence of morbidity at extreme old age. In: Journal of the American Geriatrcs Society. DOI. 10.1111/jgs.15460.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Gumà, Jordi:  Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Household Position and Health in Twelve European Countries: Are They Associated with the Value Climate?. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 103-131; , ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_6.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Gumà, Jordi:  Summary and Research Implications. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 9-19; , ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-31972356-3_2.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Gumà, Jordi: A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. 01/2018; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Gumà, Jordi: Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Household Position and Health in Twelve European Countries: Are They Associated with the Value Climate?. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 103-131; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_6.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Peters, Steffen; Rizzuto, Debora; Welmer, Anna-Karin: The Effect of Current Family Situation on Slow Walking Speed at Old Age. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 283-303; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_12.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Peters, Steffen; Rizzuto, Debora; Welmer, Anna-Karin: The Effect of Current Family Situation on Slow Walking Speed at Old Age. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 283-303; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_12.

Frech, Stefanie; Kreft, Daniel; Guthoff, Rudolf F.; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Pharmacoepidemiological assessment of adherence and influencing co-factors among primary open-angle glaucoma patients—An observational cohort study. PLoS ONE 01/2018; 13(1): e0191185., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0191185.

Georges, Daniela; Kreft, Daniel; Doblhammer, Gabriele: The Contextual and Household Contribution to Individual Health Status in Germany: What Is the Role of Gender and Migration Background?. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 193-232; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_9.

Gumà, Jordi; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Framework. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 1-7; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_1

Gumà, Jordi; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Framework. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 1-7; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_1.

Knabe, André; Aretz, Benjamin, Biemann M; Braack MK; Hanauer D; Kundler L; Samula P; Schwichtenberg N; Klärner A: Die alltägliche Bewältigung von Armut - Individuelle Handlungsstrategien unter der Bedingung materieller Knappheit in städtischen und ländlichen Räumen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 56 p, Thünen Working Paper (109), DOI: 10.3220/WP1541166325000.

Kreft, Daniel; Barth, Alexander; Fink, Anne; Nerius, Michael; Doblhammer, Gabriele & Fritze, Thomas:  Aktueller Stand und Prognose des Krankenhausbedarfs von Personen mit und ohne Demenz in Deutschland. In: Klauber, J.; Geraedts, M.; Friedrich, J. & Wasem, J. (Hrsg.): Krankenhaus-Report 2018: Bedarf und Bedarfsgerechtigkeit. Stuttgart: Schattauer: 193-207.

Kreft, Daniel; McGuinness, Myra B.; Doblhammer, Gabriele; Finger, Robert P.: Diabetic retinopathy screening in incident diabetes mellitus type 2 in Germany between 2004 and 2013 - A prospective cohort study based on health claims data. PLoS ONE 04/2018; 13(4):e0195426., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0195426.

Oksuzyan, Anna; Gumà, Jordi; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Sex Differences in Health and Survival. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe, 02/2018: pages 65-100; ISBN: 978-3-319-72355-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-72356-3_5.

Teipel, Stefan J.; Fritze, Thomas; Ellenrieder, Martin; Haenisch, Britta; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Association of joint replacement surgery with incident dementia diagnosis in German claims data. International Psychogeriatrics 03/2018; DOI:10.1017/S1041610217002976.



Barth, Alexander; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Physische Mobilität und Gesundheit im Alter. Die transformative Macht der Demografie, 10/2017; DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-13166-1_15.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Barth, Alexander; Kreft, Daniel: is dementia an aging or an age-related disease? Cohort findings from german health claims data. Alzheimer's and Dementia 07/2017; 13(7):P840-P841., DOI:10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1180.

Doblhammer, Gabriele; Fritze, Thomas; Fink, Anne; Kreft, Daniel; Barth; Alexander: Diffenerent trends in dementia prevalence in east and west Germany between the years 2007 and 2012. Alzheimer's and Dementia 07/2017; 13(7):P908-P909., DOI:10.1016/j.jalz.2017.07.326.

Fink, A.: Prevention matters: The impact of modifiable risk factors on
neurodegenerative diseases and long-term care need in the ageing population of
Germany. Dissertation, Universität Rostock.

Fink A, Buchmann N, Tegeler C, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Demuth I, Doblhammer G. (2017): Physical activity and cohabitation status moderate the link between diabetes mellitus and cognitive performance in a community-dwelling elderly population in Germany. PLoS One. 2017;12(10):e0187119. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187119.

Fink, Anne; Haenisch, Britta: Oral antidiabetic drugs and dementia risk: Does
treatment matter? Neurology 89(18):1848-1849. doi:

Nerius, Michael; Fink, Anne; Doblhammer, Gabriele: Parkinson's disease in Germany: prevalence and incidence based on health claims data. Acta Neurol Scand. Nov 2017;136(5):386-392. DOI: 10.1111/ane.12694.

Nerius, Michael, Johnell, Kristian; Garcia-Ptacek, Sara; Eriksdotter, Maria; Haenisch, Britta; Doblhammer, Gabriele: The Impact of Antipsychotic Drugs on Long-term Care, Nursing Home Admission and Death among Dementia Patients. The Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 12/2017;DOI:10.1093/gerona/glx239.

Nerius, Michael; Johnell, Kristina; Garcia-Ptacek, Sara; Eriksdotter, Maria; Haenisch, Britta; Doblhammer, Gabriele: THE IMPACT OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS ON LONG-TERM CARE DEPENDENCY, NURSING HOME ADMISSION AND DEATH AMONG DEMENTIA PATIENTS. Alzheimer's and Dementia 07/2017; 13(7):P1239-P1240., DOI:10.1016/j.jalz.2017.07.445.

Nerius, Michael; Schneider, Anja; Doblhammer, Gabriele: THE IMPACT OF GLUCOCORTICOSTEROIDS ON THE RISK OF DEMENTIA. Alzheimer's and Dementia 07/2017; 13(7):P1189-P1190., DOI:10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1772.

Tamgüney, Gültekin; Nerius, Michael; Doblhammer; Gabriele: Gastroenteritis and colitis and subsequent risk of pakinson’s disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia 07/2017; 13(7):P1182., DOI:10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1752.