
Pessoa digital-Workshop

The digital scholarly edition »Fernando Pessoa. Projects and Publications« was originally created as part of a collaborative project between the Institute of Literature and Tradition (IELT) at the New University of Lisbon and the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH) at the University of Cologne, starting in 2014. The web presentation of the edition was first launched in 2017. Since then, the edition has been continuously developed further by a core team led by Pedro Sepülveda and Ulrike Henny-Krahmer. Since 2019, there has been a cooperation with the Universidad EAFIT in Colombia, represented by Jorge Uribe.

For the year 2023, the project received funding from the infrastructure project NFDI Text+, with the aim to make the edition more sustainable from an organizational and technical perspective and to integrate it into the emerging research data infrastructure of Text+. At the international workshop taking place at the University of Rostock on July 3, 2023, the project will be presented to the public with a series of lectures in a hybrid event, to which all those interested in the works of the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa (1883–1935) and in digital scholarly editing are welcome.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Campus Ulmenstraße, Haus 1, Raum 220, Ulmenstraße 69, 18057 Rostock und online via Zoom


Digital Humanities
Institut für Germanistik
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde