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Quo vadis DEFA Research? New Perspectives in the Treatment of East German Film Heritage

International Symposium at the University of Rostock, 29–31 May 2024


From May 29 to 31, 2024, the Institute for Media Research at the University of Rostock will host the international symposium "Quo vadis DEFA Research? New Perspectives in the Treatment of East German Film Heritage".

Venue: University of Rostock, Universitätshauptgebäude, Aula, Universitätsplatz 1, 18055 Rostock.

If you would like to attend the conference as a guest, please send an e-mail to defa.tagunguni-rostockde.



Filmstill from "Verwirrung der Liebe" (1959, Slatan Dudow), Foto: DEFA-Stiftung / Eduard Neufeld