MMIS is taking part in the CombiDiag Summer School 2024 in Huningue, France

As part of the Marie-Curie Marie Skłodowska-Curie funded CombiDiag Doctoral Network, the annual meeting is going to take place from 23 to 27 of June 2024. This year host is FIRALIS, a laboratory specialised on genomics and proteomics analysis for Alzheimer’s Disease research, based in Huningue, France. The remaining members of the consortium, coming from 10 different EU countries, are expected to visit the laboratory partner to discuss current progress and future directions of the project. Being this a joint Doctoral Network, the PhD fellows are invited to report on their progress and to attend a week full of doctoral training seminars. The MMIS team main contribution for this EU project has been on pushing computer algorithms forward, that can be used in Alzheimer’s research, namely time series digital processing and joining datasets for a combinatorial diagnosis protocol.

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