
02.11.2019 - 09.11.2019


02.11.19: Arriving
03.11.19: Excursions into the agroforestry ecosystems of Ibarra, Technical University of the North (UTN)
                Visit UTN
                Excursion to biodiverse agroforestry systems in the sierra-norte region
04.11.19: Visit Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam and its sites
                Excursion to agro-biodiverse systems in the Amazon region
                (plantations of vanilla, cocoa and guayusa)
05.11.19: agrobiodiversity workshop
06.11.19: Excursion to the Center for Research,Post-Graduate Studies and
                Amazon Conservation (CIPCA) of the Amazonian State University (UEA)
                Excursion to agro-biodiverse systems of the Amazon region
                (chakras of Chinese potato, cane, cinnamon and cocoa)
07.11.19: Excursion to agro-biodiverse systems of the sierra-central region
                (Tungurahua and Cotopaxi provinces)
08.11.19: agrobiodiversity workshop
09.11.19: Departure