

Publication List

Beyer, F., Jansen, F.,  Jurasinski,F., Koch, M., Schröder,B. and Koebsch, F. (2021): Drought years in peatland rewetting: rapid vegetation succession can maintain the net CO2 sink function. Biogeosciences,  18, 917–935, 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Koebsch, F. , Gottschalk, P. , Beyer, F. , Wille, C. , Jurasinski, G. and Sachs, T.(2020): The impact of occasional drought periods on vegetation spread and greenhouse gas exchange in rewetted fens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375,

Huth, U., Koebsch, F., Kahle, P., Klimaschutzpotentiale in der kommunalen Siedlungsflächenpolitik am Beispiel der Stadt Rostock. accepted at Bodenschutz.

Graf, A., Klosterhalfen, A., Arriga, N., Bernhofer, C., Bogena, H., Bornet, F., Brüggemann, N., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Chi, J., Chipeaux, C., Cremonese, E., Cuntz, M., Dušek, J., El-Madany, TS., Fares, S., … Koebsch, F., …, Vereecken, H., Altered energy partitioning across terrestrial ecosystems in the European drought year 2018. Accepted at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

Zheng, F., Ciasis, P., Bastos, A., Stoy, P., Yang, H., Green, J., Wang, B., Yu, K., Huang, H., Knohl, A., Šigut, L., Gharun, M., Cuntz, M., Arriga, N., Roland, M., Peichl, M., Migliavacca, M., Cremonese, E., …., Koebsch, F., Sensitivity of gross primary productivity to climatic drivers during the summer drought of 2018 in Europe. Accepted at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

Günther, A., Barthelmes, A., Huth, V., Joosten, H., Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., & Couwenberg, J. (2020). Prompt rewetting of drained peatlands reduces climate warming despite methane emissions. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-5, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15499-z.

Koebsch, F., Sonnentag, O., Järveoja, J., Peltoniemi, M., Alekseychik, P., Aurela, M., ... & Jackowicz‐Korczynski, M. (2020). Refining the role of phenology in regulating gross ecosystem productivity across European peatlands. Global Change Biology, 26(2), 876-887, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14905.

Jurasinski, G., Ahmad, S., Anadon-Rosell, A., Berendt, J., Beyer, F., Bill, R., ... & Koebsch, F. (2020). From understanding to sustainable use of peatlands: The WETSCAPES approach. Soil Systems, 4(1), 14, doi: 10.3390/soilsystems4010014.

Koebsch, F., Winkel, M., Liebner, S., Liu, B., Westphal, J., Schmiedinger, I., ... & Unger, V., 2019. Sulfate deprivation triggers high methane production in a disturbed and rewetted coastal peatland. Biogeosciences, 16(9), 1937-1953, doi: 0.5194/bg-16-1937-2019.

Wen, X., Unger, V., Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., Horn, F., Rehder, G., ... & Böttcher, M. E., 2018. Predominance of methanogens over methanotrophs in rewetted fens characterized by high methane emissions. Biogeosciences, 15(21), 6519-6536, doi:10.5194/bg-15-6519-2018.(selected as journal highlight article)

Heinrich, I., Balanzategui, D., Bens, O., Blasch, G., Blume, T., Böttcher, F., Borg, E., Brademann, B., Brauer, A., Conrad, C., Dietze, E., Dräger, N., Fiener, P., Gerke, H., Güntner, A., Heine, I., Helle, G.,.Herbrich, M., Harfenmeister, K., Heußner, K.-U., Hohmann, C., Itzerott, S., Jurasinski, G., Kaiser, K., Kappler, C., Koebsch, F., ... & Dietze, E. (2018). Interdisciplinary Geo-ecological Research across Time Scales in the Northeast German Lowland Observatory (TERENO-NE). Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1).

Koch, M., Koebsch, F., Hahn, J., & Jurasinski, G., 2017. From meadow to shallow lake: Monitoring secondary succession in a coastal fen after rewetting by flooding based on aerial imagery and plot data. Mires & Peat, 19, doi: 10.19189/MaP.2015.OMB.188.

Franz, D., Koebsch, F., Larmanou, E., Augustin, J., Sachs. T., 2016. High net CO2 and CH4 release at a polytrophic shallow lake on a formerly drained fen, Biogeosciences 13:3051–3070.

Koebsch, F., Jurasinski, G., Koch, S., Hofmann, J., Glatzel, S., 2015. Controls for multi-scale temporal variation in ecosystem methane exchange during the growing season of a permanently inundated fen. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology: 204, 94-105, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.02.002.

Sachs, T., Koebsch, F., Franz, D., Larmanou, E., Serafimovich, A., Kohnert, K. Jurasinski, G., Augustin, J., 2015.  Mehr Moor? - Zur Treibhausgasdynamik wiedervernässter Feuchtgebiete. System Erde: 5, 22-27, doi: 10.2312/GFZ.syserde.05.01.4

Koch, S., Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., Koch, M., Glatzel, S., 2014. Spatial variability of annual estimates of methane emissions in a Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. dominated restored coastal brackish fen. Wetlands: 34, 593-602, doi: 10.1007/s13157-014-0528-z.

Koebsch, F., Jurasinski, G., Glatzel S., 2013. Plant species-specific effect of brackish water intrusion on methane emissions of a coastal fen. Wetlands Ecology and Management: 21, 323-337, doi: 10.1007/s11273-013-9304-8.

Koebsch, F., Glatzel, S., Hofmann, J., Forbrich I., Jurasinski G., 2013. CO2 exchange of a temperate fen during the conversion from moderately rewetting to flooding. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences: 118, 1-10, doi:10.1002/jgrg.20069.

Glatzel, S., Koebsch, F., Beetz, S., Hahn J., Richter, P., Jurasinski, G., 2011. Maßnahmen zur Minderung der Treibhausgasfreisetzung aus Mooren im mittleren Mecklenburg. Telma. Beiheft zu den Berichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde 4: 85-106.

Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., Hagemann U., 2012. R package “flux” Version 0.2-1. Flux rate calculation from dynamic closed chamber measurements.


Invited talks

Solicited talk at the EGU general assembly, Vienna, Austria. Session Peatlands under Pressure: Using canopy metrics to describe vegetation dynamics and their effects on CO2 exchange in peatlands, April 2019.

Kick-off-Meeting DFG Research Training Group Baltic Transcoast, Rostock: Seasonality of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a coastal fen, Jan 2016.

Colloqium Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research IOW, Rostock: The fate of sulfur and implications for methane emissions in a rewetted brackish peatland, Dec 2015.

Geological-Biogeochemical Seminar University of Hamburg: CO2-Senke oder Hotspot für Methanemissionen? - Biogeochemie und Kohlenstoffdynamik wiedervernässter Niedermoore, May 2015.

Colloqium Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Management IGB, Neuglobsow: CO2-Senke oder Hotspot für Methanemissionen? – Kohlenstoffdynamik in wiedervernässten Niedermooren, May 2015.

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Management IGB, Berlin, Group Experimental Limnology: Dynamics of CO2 and CH4 exchange in a rewetted fen, Feb 2014.

Pedological Colloqium University of Hohenheim: Dynamics of CO2 and CH4 exchange in a rewetted fen, Nov 2013.