Entering Gaussian System, Link 0=/sw/g98/g98
 Initial command:
 /sw/g98/l1.exe /scr/axel/Gau-464575.inp -scrdir=/scr/axel/
 Entering Link 1 = /sw/g98/l1.exe PID=    496177.
 Copyright (c) 1988,1990,1992,1993,1995,1998 Gaussian, Inc.
                  All Rights Reserved.
 This is part of the Gaussian(R) 98 program.  It is based on
 the Gaussian 94(TM) system (copyright 1995 Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 92(TM) system (copyright 1992 Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 90(TM) system (copyright 1990 Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 88(TM) system (copyright 1988 Gaussian, Inc.),
 the Gaussian 86(TM) system (copyright 1986 Carnegie Mellon
 University), and the Gaussian 82(TM) system (copyright 1983
 Carnegie Mellon University). Gaussian is a federally registered
 trademark of Gaussian, Inc.
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 Gaussian, Inc.
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 Gaussian, Inc.
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 Cite this work as:
 Gaussian 98, Revision A.6,
 M. J. Frisch, G. W. Trucks, H. B. Schlegel, G. E. Scuseria,
 M. A. Robb, J. R. Cheeseman, V. G. Zakrzewski, J. A. Montgomery, Jr.,
 R. E. Stratmann, J. C. Burant, S. Dapprich, J. M. Millam,
 A. D. Daniels, K. N. Kudin, M. C. Strain, O. Farkas, J. Tomasi,
 V. Barone, M. Cossi, R. Cammi, B. Mennucci, C. Pomelli, C. Adamo,
 S. Clifford, J. Ochterski, G. A. Petersson, P. Y. Ayala, Q. Cui,
 K. Morokuma, D. K. Malick, A. D. Rabuck, K. Raghavachari,
 J. B. Foresman, J. Cioslowski, J. V. Ortiz, B. B. Stefanov, G. Liu,
 A. Liashenko, P. Piskorz, I. Komaromi, R. Gomperts, R. L. Martin,
 D. J. Fox, T. Keith, M. A. Al-Laham, C. Y. Peng, A. Nanayakkara,
 C. Gonzalez, M. Challacombe, P. M. W. Gill, B. Johnson, W. Chen,
 M. W. Wong, J. L. Andres, C. Gonzalez, M. Head-Gordon,
 E. S. Replogle, and J. A. Pople,
 Gaussian, Inc., Pittsburgh PA, 1998.

 Gaussian 98:  SGI-G98RevA.6 19-Oct-1998
 #b3lyp/6-31G(d) fopt freq
 CO optimization and frequency analysis
 Symbolic Z-matrix:
 Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1
 O                    1    B1
  B1                    1.2

 Berny optimization.
 Initialization pass.
                         !    Initial Parameters    !
                         ! (Angstroms and Degrees)  !
 ------------------------                            -------------------------
 ! Name  Definition              Value          Derivative Info.             !
 ! R1    R(1,2)                  1.2            estimate D2E/DX2             !
 Trust Radius=3.00D-01 FncErr=1.00D-07 GrdErr=1.00D-06
 Number of steps in this run=  20 maximum allowed number of steps= 100.

                          Input orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    1.200000
 Stoichiometry    CO
 Framework group  C*V[C*(CO)]
 Deg. of freedom    1
 Full point group                 C*V     NOp   4
 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C1      NOp   1
                         Standard orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.685714
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.514286
 Rotational constants (GHZ):      0.0000000     51.1883035     51.1883035
 Isotopes: C-12,O-16
 Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
 There are    16 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
 There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
 Crude estimate of integral set expansion from redundant integrals=1.000.
 Integral buffers will be    262144 words long.
 Raffenetti 2 integral format.
 Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
    30 basis functions       56 primitive gaussians
     7 alpha electrons        7 beta electrons
       nuclear repulsion energy        21.1670899600 Hartrees.
 One-electron integrals computed using PRISM.
 NBasis=    30 RedAO= T  NBF=    16     2     6     6
 NBsUse=    30 1.00D-04 NBFU=    16     2     6     6
 Projected INDO Guess.
 Initial guess orbital symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (?A) (?A) (SG) (SG)
                 (SG) (SG) (DLTA) (?A) (DLTA) (PI) (PI) (PI) (PI)
                 (PI) (PI) (PI) (PI)
 Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within  64 cycles.
 Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
 Keep R1 and R2 integrals in memory in canonical form, NReq=      654211.
 Integral accuracy reduced to 1.0D-05 until final iterations.
 Initial convergence to 1.0D-05 achieved.  Increase integral accuracy.
 SCF Done:  E(RB+HF-LYP) =  -113.301902417     A.U. after   12 cycles
             Convg  =    0.2488D-08             -V/T =  2.0110
             S**2   =   0.0000


            Population analysis using the SCF density.


 Orbital Symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI)
                 (SG) (PI) (PI) (DLTA) (DLTA) (DLTA) (DLTA) (SG)
                 (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG)
  The electronic state is 1-SG.
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --  -19.25911 -10.32337  -1.12364  -0.57026  -0.44746
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --   -0.44746  -0.37692
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --   -0.04508  -0.04508   0.25254   0.51316   0.51316
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    0.57098   0.65858   0.80371   0.91463   0.91463
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.34617   1.49869   1.49869   1.50011   1.50011
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.91072   1.91073   2.27789   2.53227   2.53227
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    2.86533   3.61689   3.88503
          Condensed to atoms (all electrons):
              1          2
  1  C    5.257357   0.524202
  2  O    0.524202   7.694239
 Total atomic charges:
  1  C    0.218441
  2  O   -0.218441
 Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
 Atomic charges with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms:
  1  C    0.218441
  2  O   -0.218441
 Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
 Electronic spatial extent (au):  <R**2>=    41.3884
 Charge=     0.0000 electrons
 Dipole moment (Debye):
    X=     0.0000    Y=     0.0000    Z=    -0.1463  Tot=     0.1463
 Quadrupole moment (Debye-Ang):
   XX=   -10.0004   YY=   -10.0004   ZZ=   -11.9541
   XY=     0.0000   XZ=     0.0000   YZ=     0.0000
 Octapole moment (Debye-Ang**2):
  XXX=     0.0000  YYY=     0.0000  ZZZ=     5.8058  XYY=     0.0000
  XXY=     0.0000  XXZ=     1.0603  XZZ=     0.0000  YZZ=     0.0000
  YYZ=     1.0603  XYZ=     0.0000
 Hexadecapole moment (Debye-Ang**3):
 XXXX=    -8.0279 YYYY=    -8.0279 ZZZZ=   -36.9422 XXXY=     0.0000
 XXXZ=     0.0000 YYYX=     0.0000 YYYZ=     0.0000 ZZZX=     0.0000
 ZZZY=     0.0000 XXYY=    -2.6760 XXZZ=    -6.9247 YYZZ=    -6.9247
 XXYZ=     0.0000 YYXZ=     0.0000 ZZXY=     0.0000
 N-N= 2.116708996000D+01 E-N=-3.078743066774D+02  KE= 1.120728635701D+02
 Symmetry A1   KE= 1.040247707395D+02
 Symmetry A2   KE= 0.000000000000D+00
 Symmetry B1   KE= 4.024046415294D+00
 Symmetry B2   KE= 4.024046415292D+00
 ***** Axes restored to original set *****
 Center     Atomic                   Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)
 Number     Number              X              Y              Z
    1          6           0.000000000    0.000000000    0.119828440
    2          8           0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.119828440
 Cartesian Forces:  Max     0.119828440 RMS     0.069182982

 Berny optimization.
 Internal  Forces:  Max     0.119828440 RMS     0.119828440
 Search for a local minimum.
 Step number   1 out of a maximum of  20
 All quantities printed in internal units (Hartrees-Bohrs-Radians)
 Second derivative matrix not updated -- first step.
 The second derivative matrix:
           R1           1.04823
     Eigenvalues ---    1.04823
 RFO step:  Lambda=-1.35237014D-02.
 Linear search not attempted -- first point.
 Iteration  1 RMS(Cart)=  0.07980327 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Iteration  2 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000000 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Variable       Old X    -DE/DX   Delta X   Delta X   Delta X     New X
                                 (Linear)    (Quad)   (Total)
    R1        2.26767  -0.11983   0.00000  -0.11286  -0.11286   2.15481
         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
 Maximum Force            0.119828     0.000450     NO
 RMS     Force            0.119828     0.000300     NO
 Maximum Displacement     0.056429     0.001800     NO
 RMS     Displacement     0.079803     0.001200     NO
 Predicted change in Energy=-6.675724D-03

                          Input orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.655853
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.484425
 Stoichiometry    CO
 Framework group  C*V[C*(CO)]
 Deg. of freedom    1
 Full point group                 C*V     NOp   4
 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C1      NOp   1
                         Standard orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.651587
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.488690
 Rotational constants (GHZ):      0.0000000     56.6907234     56.6907234
 Isotopes: C-12,O-16
 Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
 There are    16 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
 There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
 Crude estimate of integral set expansion from redundant integrals=1.000.
 Integral buffers will be    262144 words long.
 Raffenetti 2 integral format.
 Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
    30 basis functions       56 primitive gaussians
     7 alpha electrons        7 beta electrons
       nuclear repulsion energy        22.2757218644 Hartrees.
 One-electron integrals computed using PRISM.
 NBasis=    30 RedAO= T  NBF=    16     2     6     6
 NBsUse=    30 1.00D-04 NBFU=    16     2     6     6
 Initial guess read from the read-write file:
 Initial guess orbital symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI)
                 (SG) (PI) (PI) (DLTA) (DLTA) (DLTA) (DLTA) (SG)
                 (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG)
 Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within  64 cycles.
 Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
 Keep R1 and R2 integrals in memory in canonical form, NReq=      654211.
 Integral accuracy reduced to 1.0D-05 until final iterations.
 Initial convergence to 1.0D-05 achieved.  Increase integral accuracy.
 SCF Done:  E(RB+HF-LYP) =  -113.309442089     A.U. after   10 cycles
             Convg  =    0.2450D-08             -V/T =  2.0088
             S**2   =   0.0000
 ***** Axes restored to original set *****
 Center     Atomic                   Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)
 Number     Number              X              Y              Z
    1          6           0.000000000    0.000000000    0.005537663
    2          8           0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.005537663
 Cartesian Forces:  Max     0.005537663 RMS     0.003197171

 Berny optimization.
 Internal  Forces:  Max     0.005537663 RMS     0.005537663
 Search for a local minimum.
 Step number   2 out of a maximum of  20
 All quantities printed in internal units (Hartrees-Bohrs-Radians)
 Update second derivatives using information from points  1  2
 Trust test= 1.13D+00 RLast= 1.13D-01 DXMaxT set to 3.39D-01
 The second derivative matrix:
           R1           1.01269
     Eigenvalues ---    1.01269
 RFO step:  Lambda= 0.00000000D+00.
 Quartic linear search produced a step of  0.03927.
 Iteration  1 RMS(Cart)=  0.00313409 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Iteration  2 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000000 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Variable       Old X    -DE/DX   Delta X   Delta X   Delta X     New X
                                 (Linear)    (Quad)   (Total)
    R1        2.15481  -0.00554  -0.00443   0.00000  -0.00443   2.15038
         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
 Maximum Force            0.005538     0.000450     NO
 RMS     Force            0.005538     0.000300     NO
 Maximum Displacement     0.002216     0.001800     NO
 RMS     Displacement     0.003134     0.001200     NO
 Predicted change in Energy=-9.947116D-06

                          Input orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.650415
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.487518
 Stoichiometry    CO
 Framework group  C*V[C*(CO)]
 Deg. of freedom    1
 Full point group                 C*V     NOp   4
 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C1      NOp   1
                         Standard orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.650247
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.487685
 Rotational constants (GHZ):      0.0000000     56.9246609     56.9246609
 Isotopes: C-12,O-16
 Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
 There are    16 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
 There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
 Crude estimate of integral set expansion from redundant integrals=1.000.
 Integral buffers will be    262144 words long.
 Raffenetti 2 integral format.
 Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
    30 basis functions       56 primitive gaussians
     7 alpha electrons        7 beta electrons
       nuclear repulsion energy        22.3216355749 Hartrees.
 One-electron integrals computed using PRISM.
 NBasis=    30 RedAO= T  NBF=    16     2     6     6
 NBsUse=    30 1.00D-04 NBFU=    16     2     6     6
 Initial guess read from the read-write file:
 Initial guess orbital symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI)
                 (SG) (DLTA) (DLTA) (PI) (PI) (DLTA) (DLTA) (SG)
                 (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG)
 Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within  64 cycles.
 Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
 Keep R1 and R2 integrals in memory in canonical form, NReq=      654211.
 SCF Done:  E(RB+HF-LYP) =  -113.309454336     A.U. after    7 cycles
             Convg  =    0.2395D-08             -V/T =  2.0087
             S**2   =   0.0000
 ***** Axes restored to original set *****
 Center     Atomic                   Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)
 Number     Number              X              Y              Z
    1          6           0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.000026774
    2          8           0.000000000    0.000000000    0.000026774
 Cartesian Forces:  Max     0.000026774 RMS     0.000015458

 Berny optimization.
 Internal  Forces:  Max     0.000026774 RMS     0.000026774
 Search for a local minimum.
 Step number   3 out of a maximum of  20
 All quantities printed in internal units (Hartrees-Bohrs-Radians)
 Update second derivatives using information from points  2  3
 Trust test= 1.23D+00 RLast= 4.43D-03 DXMaxT set to 3.39D-01
 The second derivative matrix:
           R1           1.25544
     Eigenvalues ---    1.25544
 RFO step:  Lambda= 0.00000000D+00.
 Quartic linear search produced a step of -0.00477.
 Iteration  1 RMS(Cart)=  0.00001496 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Iteration  2 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000000 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Variable       Old X    -DE/DX   Delta X   Delta X   Delta X     New X
                                 (Linear)    (Quad)   (Total)
    R1        2.15038   0.00003   0.00002   0.00000   0.00002   2.15040
         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
 Maximum Force            0.000027     0.000450     YES
 RMS     Force            0.000027     0.000300     YES
 Maximum Displacement     0.000011     0.001800     YES
 RMS     Displacement     0.000015     0.001200     YES
 Predicted change in Energy=-2.808812D-10
 Optimization completed.
    -- Stationary point found.
                         !   Optimized Parameters   !
                         ! (Angstroms and Degrees)  !
 ------------------------                            -------------------------
 ! Name  Definition              Value          Derivative Info.             !
 ! R1    R(1,2)                  1.1379         -DE/DX =    0.               !

                          Input orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.650247
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.487685
 Stoichiometry    CO
 Framework group  C*V[C*(CO)]
 Deg. of freedom    1
 Full point group                 C*V     NOp   4
 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C1      NOp   1
                         Standard orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.650247
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.487685
 Rotational constants (GHZ):      0.0000000     56.9246609     56.9246609
 Isotopes: C-12,O-16


            Population analysis using the SCF density.


 Orbital Symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI)
                 (SG) (DLTA) (DLTA) (PI) (PI) (DLTA) (DLTA) (SG)
                 (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG)
  The electronic state is 1-SG.
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --  -19.25805 -10.30433  -1.15790  -0.57004  -0.46743
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --   -0.46743  -0.37145
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --   -0.02177  -0.02177   0.26241   0.51174   0.51174
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    0.57522   0.74923   0.79954   0.91633   0.91633
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.37167   1.47906   1.47906   1.54043   1.54043
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.94253   1.94253   2.39580   2.59906   2.59906
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    2.94966   3.67316   3.90056
          Condensed to atoms (all electrons):
              1          2
  1  C    5.251701   0.573922
  2  O    0.573922   7.600455
 Total atomic charges:
  1  C    0.174377
  2  O   -0.174377
 Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
 Atomic charges with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms:
  1  C    0.174377
  2  O   -0.174377
 Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
 Electronic spatial extent (au):  <R**2>=    39.4002
 Charge=     0.0000 electrons
 Dipole moment (Debye):
    X=     0.0000    Y=     0.0000    Z=     0.0599  Tot=     0.0599
 Quadrupole moment (Debye-Ang):
   XX=    -9.8673   YY=    -9.8673   ZZ=   -11.9358
   XY=     0.0000   XZ=     0.0000   YZ=     0.0000
 Octapole moment (Debye-Ang**2):
  XXX=     0.0000  YYY=     0.0000  ZZZ=     5.7300  XYY=     0.0000
  XXY=     0.0000  XXZ=     1.0709  XZZ=     0.0000  YZZ=     0.0000
  YYZ=     1.0709  XYZ=     0.0000
 Hexadecapole moment (Debye-Ang**3):
 XXXX=    -7.8299 YYYY=    -7.8299 ZZZZ=   -34.3623 XXXY=     0.0000
 XXXZ=     0.0000 YYYX=     0.0000 YYYZ=     0.0000 ZZZX=     0.0000
 ZZZY=     0.0000 XXYY=    -2.6100 XXZZ=    -6.4991 YYZZ=    -6.4991
 XXYZ=     0.0000 YYXZ=     0.0000 ZZXY=     0.0000
 N-N= 2.232163557488D+01 E-N=-3.103258181354D+02  KE= 1.123290592945D+02
 Symmetry A1   KE= 1.042143952121D+02
 Symmetry A2   KE= 0.000000000000D+00
 Symmetry B1   KE= 4.057332041155D+00
 Symmetry B2   KE= 4.057332041155D+00
 Final structure in terms of initial Z-matrix:
 G(D) FOPT FREQ\\CO optimization and frequency analysis\\0,1\C,0.,0.,-0


                                               -- WHISTLER'S PRINCIPLE
 Job cpu time:  0 days  0 hours  0 minutes 34.1 seconds.
 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=   10 Int=    0 D2E=    0 Chk=    6 Scr=    1
 Normal termination of Gaussian 98.
 Link1:  Proceeding to internal job step number  2.
 #N Geom=AllCheck Guess=TCheck RB3LYP/6-31G(d) Freq
 CO optimization and frequency analysis
 Redundant internal coordinates taken from checkpointfile:
 Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1
 Recover connectivity data from disk.

 Berny optimization.
 Initialization pass.
                         !    Initial Parameters    !
                         ! (Angstroms and Degrees)  !
 ------------------------                            -------------------------
 ! Name  Definition              Value          Derivative Info.             !
 ! R1    R(1,2)                  1.1379         calculate D2E/DX2 analyticall!
 Trust Radius=3.00D-01 FncErr=1.00D-07 GrdErr=1.00D-07
 Number of steps in this run=  20 maximum allowed number of steps= 100.

                          Input orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.650247
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.487685
 Stoichiometry    CO
 Framework group  C*V[C*(CO)]
 Deg. of freedom    1
 Full point group                 C*V     NOp   4
 Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup C1      NOp   1
                         Standard orientation:
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          6             0        0.000000    0.000000   -0.650247
    2          8             0        0.000000    0.000000    0.487685
 Rotational constants (GHZ):      0.0000000     56.9246609     56.9246609
 Isotopes: C-12,O-16
 Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
 There are    16 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
 There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
 There are     6 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
 Crude estimate of integral set expansion from redundant integrals=1.000.
 Integral buffers will be    262144 words long.
 Raffenetti 2 integral format.
 Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
    30 basis functions       56 primitive gaussians
     7 alpha electrons        7 beta electrons
       nuclear repulsion energy        22.3216355749 Hartrees.
 One-electron integrals computed using PRISM.
 NBasis=    30 RedAO= T  NBF=    16     2     6     6
 NBsUse=    30 1.00D-04 NBFU=    16     2     6     6
 Initial guess read from the checkpoint file:
 Initial guess orbital symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI)
                 (SG) (DLTA) (DLTA) (PI) (PI) (DLTA) (DLTA) (SG)
                 (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG)
 Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within  64 cycles.
 Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
 Keep R1 and R2 integrals in memory in canonical form, NReq=      654211.
 SCF Done:  E(RB+HF-LYP) =  -113.309454336     A.U. after    1 cycles
             Convg  =    0.1644D-09             -V/T =  2.0087
             S**2   =   0.0000
 Range of M.O.s used for correlation:     1    30
 NBasis=    30 NAE=     7 NBE=     7 NFC=     0 NFV=     0
 NROrb=     30 NOA=     7 NOB=     7 NVA=    23 NVB=    23
 G2DrvN: will do    2 atoms at a time, making    1 passes doing MaxLOS=2.
 FoFDir used for L=0 through L=2.
          Differentiating once with respect to electric field.
                with respect to dipole field.
          Differentiating once with respect to nuclear coordinates.
          Store integrals in memory, NReq=      656884.
          There are   9 degrees of freedom in the 1st order CPHF.
   6 vectors were produced by pass  0.
 AX will form   6 AO Fock derivatives at one time.
   6 vectors were produced by pass  1.
   6 vectors were produced by pass  2.
   6 vectors were produced by pass  3.
   6 vectors were produced by pass  4.
   6 vectors were produced by pass  5.
   1 vectors were produced by pass  6.
   1 vectors were produced by pass  7.
 Inv2:  IOpt= 1 Iter= 1 AM= 6.15D-16 Conv= 1.00D-12.
 Inverted reduced A of dimension  38 with in-core refinement.


            Population analysis using the SCF density.


 Orbital Symmetries:
       Occupied  (SG) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG)
       Virtual   (PI) (PI) (SG) (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG) (PI) (PI)
                 (SG) (DLTA) (DLTA) (PI) (PI) (DLTA) (DLTA) (SG)
                 (PI) (PI) (SG) (SG) (SG)
  The electronic state is 1-SG.
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --  -19.25805 -10.30433  -1.15790  -0.57004  -0.46743
 Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --   -0.46743  -0.37145
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --   -0.02177  -0.02177   0.26241   0.51174   0.51174
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    0.57522   0.74923   0.79954   0.91633   0.91633
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.37167   1.47906   1.47906   1.54043   1.54043
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    1.94253   1.94253   2.39580   2.59906   2.59906
 Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    2.94966   3.67316   3.90056
          Condensed to atoms (all electrons):
              1          2
  1  C    5.251701   0.573922
  2  O    0.573922   7.600455
 Total atomic charges:
  1  C    0.174377
  2  O   -0.174377
 Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
 Atomic charges with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms:
  1  C    0.174377
  2  O   -0.174377
 Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
 Electronic spatial extent (au):  <R**2>=    39.4002
 Charge=     0.0000 electrons
 Dipole moment (Debye):
    X=     0.0000    Y=     0.0000    Z=     0.0599  Tot=     0.0599
 Quadrupole moment (Debye-Ang):
   XX=    -9.8673   YY=    -9.8673   ZZ=   -11.9358
   XY=     0.0000   XZ=     0.0000   YZ=     0.0000
 Octapole moment (Debye-Ang**2):
  XXX=     0.0000  YYY=     0.0000  ZZZ=     5.7300  XYY=     0.0000
  XXY=     0.0000  XXZ=     1.0709  XZZ=     0.0000  YZZ=     0.0000
  YYZ=     1.0709  XYZ=     0.0000
 Hexadecapole moment (Debye-Ang**3):
 XXXX=    -7.8299 YYYY=    -7.8299 ZZZZ=   -34.3623 XXXY=     0.0000
 XXXZ=     0.0000 YYYX=     0.0000 YYYZ=     0.0000 ZZZX=     0.0000
 ZZZY=     0.0000 XXYY=    -2.6100 XXZZ=    -6.4991 YYZZ=    -6.4991
 XXYZ=     0.0000 YYXZ=     0.0000 ZZXY=     0.0000
 N-N= 2.232163557488D+01 E-N=-3.103258180738D+02  KE= 1.123290592659D+02
 Symmetry A1   KE= 1.042143952057D+02
 Symmetry A2   KE= 0.000000000000D+00
 Symmetry B1   KE= 4.057332030107D+00
 Symmetry B2   KE= 4.057332030109D+00
  Exact polarizability:   7.981   0.000   7.981   0.000   0.000  12.607
 Approx polarizability:  11.027   0.000  11.027   0.000   0.000  23.210
 Full mass-weighted force constant matrix:
 Low frequencies ---   -0.0012   -0.0011    0.0007   17.4611   17.4617 2208.7181
 Harmonic frequencies (cm**-1), IR intensities (KM/Mole),
 Raman scattering activities (A**4/AMU), Raman depolarization ratios,
 reduced masses (AMU), force constants (mDyne/A) and normal coordinates:
 Frequencies --  2208.7181
 Red. masses --    13.4388
 Frc consts  --    38.6269
 IR Inten    --    67.9408
 Raman Activ --     0.0000
 Depolar     --     0.0000
 Atom AN      X      Y      Z
   1   6     0.00   0.00   0.80
   2   8     0.00   0.00  -0.60

 - Thermochemistry -
 Temperature   298.150 Kelvin.  Pressure   1.00000 Atm.
 Atom  1 has atomic number  6 and mass  12.00000
 Atom  2 has atomic number  8 and mass  15.99491
 Molecular mass:    27.99491 amu.
 Principal axes and moments of inertia in atomic units:
                           1         2         3
     EIGENVALUES --     0.00000  31.70403  31.70403
           X            0.00000   0.00000   1.00000
           Y            0.00000   1.00000   0.00000
           Z            1.00000   0.00000   0.00000
 ROTATIONAL CONSTANT (GHZ)           56.924661
 Zero-point vibrational energy      13211.1 (Joules/Mol)
                                    3.15752 (Kcal/Mol)
 Zero-point correction=                           0.005032 (Hartree/Particle)
 Thermal correction to Energy=                    0.007393
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy=                  0.008337
 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy=        -0.014107
 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies=           -113.304423
 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies=              -113.302062
 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies=            -113.301118
 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies=         -113.323561
                     E (Thermal)             CV                S
                      KCAL/MOL        CAL/MOL-KELVIN    CAL/MOL-KELVIN
 TOTAL                    4.639              4.973             47.236
 ELECTRONIC               0.000              0.000              0.000
 TRANSLATIONAL            0.889              2.981             35.923
 ROTATIONAL               0.592              1.987             11.312
 VIBRATIONAL              3.158              0.005              0.001
                       Q            LOG10(Q)             LN(Q)
 TOTAL BOT       0.308026D+07          6.488588         14.940525
 TOTAL V=0       0.635409D+09          8.803053         20.269780
 VIB (BOT)       0.484780D-02         -2.314456         -5.329231
 VIB (V=0)       0.100002D+01          0.000010          0.000024
 ELECTRONIC      0.100000D+01          0.000000          0.000000
 TRANSLATIONAL   0.582209D+07          6.765079         15.577170
 ROTATIONAL      0.109135D+03          2.037964          4.692586
 ***** Axes restored to original set *****
 Center     Atomic                   Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)
 Number     Number              X              Y              Z
    1          6           0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.000026770
    2          8           0.000000000    0.000000000    0.000026770
 Cartesian Forces:  Max     0.000026770 RMS     0.000015456

 Berny optimization.
 Internal  Forces:  Max     0.000026770 RMS     0.000026770
 Search for a local minimum.
 Step number   1 out of a maximum of  20
 All quantities printed in internal units (Hartrees-Bohrs-Radians)
 Second derivative matrix not updated -- analytic derivatives used.
 The second derivative matrix:
           R1           1.26577
     Eigenvalues ---    1.26577
 Angle between quadratic step and forces=   0.00 degrees.
 Linear search not attempted -- first point.
 Iteration  1 RMS(Cart)=  0.00001495 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Iteration  2 RMS(Cart)=  0.00000000 RMS(Int)=  0.00000000
 Variable       Old X    -DE/DX   Delta X   Delta X   Delta X     New X
                                 (Linear)    (Quad)   (Total)
    R1        2.15038   0.00003   0.00000   0.00002   0.00002   2.15040
         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
 Maximum Force            0.000027     0.000450     YES
 RMS     Force            0.000027     0.000300     YES
 Maximum Displacement     0.000011     0.001800     YES
 RMS     Displacement     0.000015     0.001200     YES
 Predicted change in Energy=-2.830914D-10
 Optimization completed.
    -- Stationary point found.
                         !   Optimized Parameters   !
                         ! (Angstroms and Degrees)  !
 ------------------------                            -------------------------
 ! Name  Definition              Value          Derivative Info.             !
 ! R1    R(1,2)                  1.1379         -DE/DX =    0.               !

 1\1\GINC-TEA\Freq\RB3LYP\6-31G(d)\C1O1\AXEL\28-Apr-2000\0\\#N GEOM=ALL
 CHECK GUESS=TCHECK RB3LYP/6-31G(D) FREQ\\CO optimization and frequency
 094,0.,7.9809399,0.,0.,12.6070315\PG=C*V [C*(C1O1)]\NImag=0\\0.0000791

 Job cpu time:  0 days  0 hours  0 minutes 22.9 seconds.
 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=   10 Int=    0 D2E=    0 Chk=    6 Scr=    1
 Normal termination of Gaussian 98.