We are happy to expand our current collection of links: Leave us a message to include more linke, tips and other findings.

Welcome to our Institute!

If you are PhD student, we offer an introductory meeting to learn about the PhD programme at our Institute. Feel welcome to contact the spokesperson of the GRK and to schedule a meeting.

International PhD students

International PhD students

There are several services by the University of Rostock and other organisations for incoming PhD students, to support you. The following list highlights some of them:

  • Welcome Center of the University of Rostock "supports and advises international guest scientists and doctoral candidates. Here they can obtain information on topics such as work permits, immigration law and language courses. The services offered by the Welcome Center also include help with filling out forms and support in finding accommodation".
  • Rostock International House is the office for international exchange activities of the University of Rostock. They coordinate international relations and give advice and consultation for foreign students and prospective students.
  • The General Students' Committee  AStA (German: Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss) has different departments working on different topics, e.g., Social Department, Culture, Anti-Discrimination & Gender Equality, International Department. They help with any problem. You can contact them anonymously.
  • The Language Center offers courses in 10 different languages and self-study possibilities. A good possibilty to get to know people and to learn a new language!

On this site hosted by the Diversity Department of the University, you'll find further offers and links.

If you have questions or would like to have a general introduction to the Institutes' PhD programm, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Basic information for newly arriving PhD students

Basic information for newly arriving PhD students

Here, we'll provide basic information for newly arriving PhD students.


  • Guide to the doctorate procedure
  • Doctoral degree regulations (Promotionsordnung): Please find the current document here.
  • Guidelines for making a cumulative disseration

All the documents above can be found here as well. The website is in German language, but you'll find  the documents in English languange on the end of the website. The current contact person for the PhD studies at our Institute is Prof. Korn. 


User account of the ITMZ (Nutzerkennzeichen): To use and to login to the universities webservices and applications listed  below you'll need a user identification which is a central user account. "For staff members, the user account is automatically generated after the data are reported by the Department of Human Resources and Personnel Development, Personnel Services Unit. The ITMZ will send the access data." The secretary staff of your work group will help you with that if you encounter any problem.

Hints and links ;)  for getting started with the web services and applications by the University:

  • Email: Please find here more information about the universities mail service.
  • Stud.IP is a learning management system used for nearly all courses and seminars. To log in, use this link.
  • Internal portal (Dienstleistungsportal): For university staff, there is an internal portal. To find certain information you have to log in. Most information is in German language.
  • Zoom:  "The University of Rostock purchased a campus licence for all employees with the only requirement to have an employee account with the university." Use this link to log in and this link for help.
  • The Graduates Academy supports and promotes early career researchers at the University of Rostock. They offer a high quality qualification programme (in English and German language). Additionally, they provide networking opportunities and workshops on project and time management. Please enroll!


Mensa: Your colleagues will probably take you to eat at the Mensa Süd or Mensa E1nstein at lunchtime. Both places are near to the Institute.


Info for 5th year PhD students

Info for 5th year PhD students

Please be reminded that PhD students who are already in their 10th semester need approval from their supervisor to enroll into the 11th  semester. The approval letter by your Prof. should reflect within a few sentences the status of your project, the expected semester of graduation and the acceptance to extend your supervision until that date. The same applies if the PhD-project needs to be extended at later stages again. 

Feel free to contact the current GRK speaker if you need help with that.