Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Torner

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 11, 18119 Rostock

Tel.:       0381/498-9043

Fax:       0381 498-1189032

E-Mail:   benjamin.torner@uni-rostock.de


  • Joachim-Jungius-Förderpreis 2021 mit: Erforschung der Strömung in einem Herzunterstützungssystem unter Berücksichtigung des Turbulenzeinflusses auf die Blutschädigungsvorhersage. https://doi.org/10.2370/9783844077506
  • ESAO SAGE Award 2020 for the Best Selected Paper in the International Journal of Artificial Organs in 2020 mitWisniewski, A.; Medart, D.; Wurm, F.H., Torner, B.: Evaluation of Clinically Relevant Operating Conditions for Left Ventricular Assist Device Investigations. International Journal of Artificial Organs 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0391398820932925
  • ESAO PhD Gold Award for the Best Selected Dissertation of the European Society of Artificial Organs 2020 mitErforschung der Strömung in einem Herzunterstützungssystem unter Berücksichtigung des Turbulenzeinflusses auf die Blutschädigungsvorhersage. https://doi.org/10.2370/9783844077506
  • Silver Medal in the 15th ERCOFTAC DaVinci Competition 2021 mit: Erforschung der Strömung in einem Herzunterstützungssystem unter Berücksichtigung des Turbulenzeinflusses auf die Blutschädigungsvorhersage. https://doi.org/10.2370/9783844077506
  • Autor in der ERCOFTAC KB Wiki mit "AC7-03: Flow in a Ventricular Assist Device - Pump Performance & Blood Damage Prediction". https://kbwiki.ercoftac.org/w/index.php/AC7-03, 2023.

Auszüge aus der Forschung

Partikelsimulation (Klicken zum Abspielen)


SS 2023


  • Gewählter Koordinator (2019-2021) der Young Research Initiative of the European Society of Artificial Organs (yESAO)
  • Mitglied der European Society of Artitifical Organs (ESAO) seit 2019
  • Mitglied der European Reasearch Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC) seit 2020
Veröffentlichungen und Konferenzbeiträge

Veröffentlichungen und Konferenzbeiträge


  • Crone V, Hahne M, Knüppel F, Wurm F-H, Torner B. Dynamic VAD simulations: Performing accurate simulations of ventricular assist devices in interaction with the cardiovascular system. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/03913988241268067
  • Knüppel, F.; Malchow, S.; Sun, A.; Hussong, J.; Hartmann, A.; Wurm, F.-H.; Torner, B. Viscosity Modeling for Blood and Blood Analog Fluids in Narrow Gap and High Reynolds Numbers Flows. Micromachines 202415, 793. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi15060793
  • Hahne, Mario; Crone, Vincenz; Thomas, Inga; Wolfgramm, Calvin; Liedtke, Frieder Kurt Peter; Wurm, Frank-Hendrik; Torner, Benjamin. Interaction of a Ventricular Assist Device With Patient-Specific Cardiovascular Systems: In-Silico Study With Bidirectional Coupling. ASAIO Journal ():10.1097/MAT.0000000000002181,  March 27, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000002181 


  • Torner, B.  Interaction of a Ventricular Assist Device with Patient-Specific Cardiovascular Systems - In-Silico Study with Bidirectional Coupling. 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Mechanical Circulatory, 30th October-1st November 2023, Dallas, USA.
  • Torner, B.  RostockTestCase - OpenAccess Geometry and High-Fidelity Flow Simulation of a Ventricular Assist Device. 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Mechanical Circulatory, 30th October-1st November 2023, Dallas, USA.
  • Knüppel F, Thomas I, Wurm F-H, Torner B. Suitability of Different Blood-Analogous Fluids in Determining the Pump Characteristics of a Ventricular Assist Device. In: Fluids, 8(5):151, (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids8050151
  • Torner, B., Duong, D. V. and Wurm, F.-H.. “Numerical Determination of the Equivalent Sand Roughness of a Turbopump´s Surface and its Roughness Influence of the Pump Characteristics”. In: International Journal of Turbomachinery, Power and Propulsion, 8(1) 5, (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijtpp8010005
  • Malchow, S. and Wurm, F.-H. and Torner, B.. “Numerical Determination of the Equivalent Sand Roughness for a Regular Surface Roughness (Cubes)” In: Šimurda D., Bodnár T. (ed.): Proceedings of Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics (2023). http://www2.it.cas.cz/fm/im/im/proceedings/2023
  • Torner, B. “Flow in a Ventricular Assist Device - Pump Performance & Blood Damage Prediction”. ERCOFTAC KB Wiki Entry, AC7-03, Biomedical Flows. 2023. https://kbwiki.ercoftac.org/w/index.php/AC7-03
  • Knüppel, F.; Sun, A.; Wurm, F.-H.; Hussong, J.; Torner, B. Effect of Particle Migration on the Stress Field in Microfluidic Flows of Blood Analog Fluids at High Reynolds Numbers. Micromachines 2023, 14, 1494.https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14081494


  • Torner, B.; Frank, D.; Grundmann, S.; Wurm, F.-H. “Flow Simulation-based Particle Swarm Optimization for Developing Improved Hemolysis Models” Biomechanics and Modelling in Mechanobiology, 2022.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-022-01653-7
  • Torner, B.; Frank, D. “Flow Simulation-based Particle Swarm Optimization for Developing Improved Hemolysis Models” 2nd International Workshop on Flow-Induced Blood Damage, Rostock,  1-2 September, 2022


  • Konnigk, L.; Torner, B.; Bruschewski, M.; Grundmann, S.; Wurm, F.-H. (2021): Equivalent Scalar Stress Formulation Taking into Account Non-Resolved Turbulent Scales. In: Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 12(3), pp. 251-272 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s13239-021-00526-x
  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Hahne, M. ; Wurm F.-H.: Computation of Dissipation Rates in Turbo Pumps using Different Simulation Methods. 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery, 2021, 12 - 16 April 2021, Gdansk, Poland.
  • Torner, B.: Numerical Aspects Affecting the Numerical Prediction of Haemolysis in Turbulent Blood Flows. 45th ESAO Congress, 2021, 7 - 11 September 2021, London, Great Britain. 
  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Abroug, N.; Wurm, F.-H.: Turbulence and Turbulent Flow Structures in a Ventricular Assist Device. 45th ESAO Congress, 2021, 7 - 11 September 2021, London, Great Britain. - Awarded for the Best Poster at the Conference
  • Torner, B.: Investigation of the flow physics in a Ventricular Assist Device under consideration of the influence of turbulence on the blood damage prediction. 45th ESAO Congress, 2021, 7 - 11 September 2021, London, Great Britain.


  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Abroug, N.; Wurm, F.-H. (2020): Turbulence and Turbulent Flow Structures in a Ventricular Assist Device. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 37(3), e3431. https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.3431
  • Torner, B.: Teaching at Home: Chance or Shame? Cloud-yESAO - First digital conference of the young European Society of Artificial Organs, 2020.
  • Wisniewski, A.; Medart, D.; Wurm, F.H., Torner, B.: Evaluation of Clinically Relevant Operating Conditions for Left Ventricular Assist Device Investigations. International Journal of Artificial Organs 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0391398820932925  - Winner of the ESAO SAGE Award 2020 for the Best Selected Paper in the International Journal of Artificial Organs in 2020.


  • Torner, B.; Wurm F.-H.: Large-Eddy Simulation in a Rotary Blood Pump: Turbulence, Shear Stresses and Blood Damage Prediction. ISimT 2019, Schloß Hohenkammer, Germany, 2019.
  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Wurm, F.H.: Influence of Turbulent Shear Stresses on the Numerical Blood Damage Prediction in a Ventricular Assist Device. International Journal of Artificial Organs 42(12). 2019. https://doi.org/10.1177/0391398819861395.
  • Konnigk, L.; Torner, B.; Hallier, S.; Witte, M.; Wurm, F.H.: Grid-Induced Numerical Errors for Shear Stresses and Essential Flow Variables in a Ventricular Assist Device: Crucial for Blood Damage Prediction? 46th ESAO Congress, Hannover, Germany, 2-7 September 2019.
  • Konnigk, L.; Torner, B.; Hallier, S.; Witte, M.; Wurm, F.H.: Grid-Induced Numerical Errors for Shear Stresses and Essential Flow Variables in a Ventricular Assist Device: Crucial for Blood Damage Prediction? Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 3(4). 2019. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042989.
  • Witte, M; Kranz, O.; Torner, B.; Wurm, F.H.: Investigation of the Wall Pressure Fluctuations, the Operational Deflection Shapes and the Airborne Noise Radiation of a Single Stage Radial Pump. 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery, 2019, 08 - 12 April 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Wurm F.-H.: Analysis of flow losses and their contribution to the total flow loss in an axial flow pump using the large eddy simulation method. 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery, 2019, 08 - 12 April 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland.


  • Konnigk, L.; Torner, B.; Wurm F.-H.: Application of Verification Methods on a Complex Flow Field Calculated by Large-Eddy Simulation: Blood Pump Flow. 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) 11 - 15 June 2018, Glasgow, UK.
  • Konnigk, L.; Torner, B.; Wurm, F.-H.: Influence of the Remaining Heart Activity on the Flow Within a Ventricular Assist Device: a Computational Study. 45th ESAO Congress, Madrid, Spain, 12 – 15 September 2018.
  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Hallier, S.; Kumar, J.; Witte, M.; Wurm, F.-H.: LES in a Rotary Blood Pump: Viscous Shear Stress Computation and Comparison with URANS. 45th ESAO Congress, Madrid, Spain, 12 – 15 September 2018.
  • Torner, B.; Konnigk, L.; Hallier, S.; Kumar, J.; Witte, M.; Wurm, F.-H. LES in a Rotary Blood Pump: Viscous Shear Stress Computation and Comparison with URANS. International Journal of Artificial Organs (2018): https://doi.org/10.1177/0391398818777697.
  • Torner, B.; Wurm F.-H.: Analyse des Strömungsfeldes in einer Herzpumpe mittels Large-Eddy Simulation. Kolloquium Fluidenergiemaschinen 2018, Wien, 2018.
  • Witte, M.; Torner, B.; Wurm, F.-H.: Analysis of Unsteady Flow Structures in an Radial Turbomachine by using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. ASME Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition 2018, Oslo, Norway, 2018.


  • Konnigk, L.; Torner, B.; Hallier, S.; Wisniewski, A.; Medart, D.; Wurm, F.: Comparison of URANS and a VLES regarding their Potential to Predict Hemolysis with Stress-Based Hemolysis Models. 44th ESAO and 7th IFAO Congress, Vienna, Austria. 2017.
  • Torner, B.; Hallier, S.; Witte, M.; Wurm, F.-H.: Large-Eddy and Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations of an Axial Flow Pump for Cardiac Support. ASME Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition 2017, Charlotte, USA, 2017.
  • Torner, B.; Hallier, S.; Konnigk, L.; Wurm, F.-H.: Comparison of Large- Eddy and Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations Regarding their Potential to Predict Hemolysis in Blood Pumps. ASAIO 63rd Annual Conference 2017, Chicago, USA, 2017.


  • Torner, B.; Wurm F.-H.: Large-Eddy Simulation in einer miniaturisierten axialen Strömungspumpe. ERCOFTAC Technologietag, 07.12.2016, Stuttgart, 2016.
  • Hallier, S.; Torner, B., Wisniewski, A., Müller, J., Nüsser, P.; Wurm F.-H.: Miniaturization and Optimization of a Ventricular Assist Device . 43th ESAO and 6th IFAO Congress, Warsaw, Polen, 2016.
  • Hallier, S.; Torner, B., Wurm F.-H.: Miniaturization of a implantable pump for heart support. ISROMAC 2016, Honululu, USA, 2016.