
Lehrstuhl Geometrie

Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics

usually Wednesdays, in HS-228 (Ulmenstraße 69, Haus 3), 3-4pm,
together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Kalinowski, Prof. Dr. Gohar Kyureghyan, Prof. Dr. Roger Labahn, PD Dr. Frieder Ladisch, Prof. Dr. Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta, PD Dr. Peter Wagner.

A better understanding of discrete structures is a foundational basis for the already ongoing digitalization of our world and its future development. Without sophisticated mathematical concepts the meaningful analysis and algorithmic treatment of structure in big data will hardly be possible. In our research seminar on "Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics" we continously learn about the scientific ingredients of our digital future.

The current schedule can be found on Stud.IP.